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I know I changed the cover ages ago, but still have a comparison here.


When 'coffee or something' turned out to really just be coffee or any other beverage he wanted and some light chatting, Adam was even more pleased that he went with Tim than before.

"What did you think I meant?" Tim asked with just the slightest hint of amusement in his voice after Adam had told him about his initial fear.

"I don't really know," Adam answered with his head between his shoulders. He always kept an eye on Tim, but in the end, he really didn't know what he had expected. Maybe another kiss and maybe really just coffee since he was almost sure Tim wouldn't sit down with him and explain the things that confused Adam to him. No Tim wasn't Chris and Adam was more than glad about that fact.

However, he really wished to find out what that was in his tummy. That funny feeling whenever Tim brushed against him while they walked that also came when Tim ordered their drinks and flashed him a smile. For a while, Adam thought he might get sick.

But the feeling didn't leave and although it was making Adam squirmy, he wasn't uncomfortable. No, in fact, he was positive that even if he got sick, he wouldn't run away. (Although he knew he should.)
Tim's presence, as confusing as the man was, had a somehow soothing effect on Adam. Just not on his stomach, but he could live with that.

When the waitress came to bring them their drinks and bend forward to 'accidently' show Tim her cleavage, a new feeling boiled at the pit of Adam's stomach. Because Chris had mentioned more than once how most men reacted to women showing off their bodies and Adam wasn't blind, the waitress had a body. A very female one even, but Adam never understood why Chris liked that so much. Sure some girls were really pretty, but Adam preferred them with their clothes in place and nowhere else.

Chris had mentioned that that might be a hint to Adam's sexual orientation and after he had told his brother about the man that kissed him, Chris had been sure Adam was queer. 'Queer' in this case just described that Adam's ways were different from Chris's, but neither he nor his brother minded that. 'Different' in this case wasn't anything bad.

And still, there was Tim, all smiles, and pretty eyes as he talked to Adam, who only pretended to hear him for the sake of not appearing stupid in case he didn't understand something. Adam had heard people call him stupid too often already, which was a reason for him to draw himself back into a figurative shell. Or his coat, he preferred his coat and all the nice things he found in there.

Adam held his hot beverage between both his hands and lightly blew some cold air into it while he watched Tim. Tim, who seemed so at ease with the world and himself in a way that Adam adored.

"Drink up, Adam, we got places to see," Tim chuckled and Adam noticed he had been caught staring. His gaze then wandered from Tim's face to his chest and down to his empty mug. Somehow  while Adam had been staring at Tim, the other one had emptied his mug.

Adam's own coffee, which was just a tad too bitter, had gotten cold by then. But he still forced it down his throat and in a moment when Tim didn't look, Adam pressed a napkin into the mug and let it slide into his coat pocket.

Tim then paid, not just because he wanted to be a gentleman, but also because Adam had no money on him. Actually, Adam knew he hadn't had his wallet with him because he saw no reason to carry something empty around. However, at the same time, he didn't want to check his pockets for money, in case he might find something funny in there.

When Tim left the place they had stayed in for the past hour Adam thought their date was over. Mostly because he hasn't been on any dates and because Chris hadn't gone into detail about what happens after dates either.

Which was why he stood confused and all by himself next to the table they had occupied. The waitress with the cleavage shoved him away to wipe the table clean and gave him a very annoyed look when he only moved a few inches.
Adam didn't really like getting shoved around. Some of the mean policemen did that all the time to him, but both Chris and Tim asked him nicely to move, to go there or to follow them and he always liked that better. Chris had told him some people liked that treatment, but neither he nor his older brother really understood why.

Just when the waitress shoved him out of her way for the second time, Tim entered the cafe again. Adam could see his eyes scanning the room, but he didn't know what the other one was searching for until Tim found it. 'It' in this case was Adam, who watched with wide eyes as Tim marched over to him.

"You could've told me to wait for your toilet break," Tim said although Adam didn't need to pee. "I got worried when you weren't following me. I mean, I wanted to go to a park with you next."

A smile crept over Adam's features as Tim held his hand out for him to take. Out of the corners of his eyes, he even noticed the shocked look the waitress wore before Adam took Tim's hand and intertwined their fingers.

"I'm sorry," Adam said and he didn't mean the not-really-toilet-break, but he felt genuinely bad for making Tim worry.

"You done here?" Tim asked before he went to leave again, this time with Adam by his side. "I found a really nice spot not far from here."

But Adam just nodded. He was too excited that their date continued and that he could spend more time with Tim, to actually manage an answer.

"Ew, stop being so cute," Tim chuckled and earned a pout from Adam.

This man was so confusing to Adam, yet, so special that he didn't want to miss a minute with him and somehow he thought that should scare him.

But it didn't and instead, he let Tim lead the way.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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