He's My Nightmare... But I Think I Love Him

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° He's My Nightmare... But I Think I Love Him ° Chapter 2 °


° Annatashia's POV °

After I told him I felt safe in his arms, cuddled up to his chest I blacked out. I didn't even get to see his face. What if he is one of those twisted freaks of nature? What if he is that thing that chased me when I tried to escape? I couldn't be sure what or even who he was, but I knew he had saved me. He had made me feel safe when I had thought that had been taken away from me when I was wheeled into this mad house.

As my mind became restless I stirred. I felt sheets shift over my body as I kicked and twisted. I was on a bed, but where I was was unknown to me. My cell didn't have a bed nor did it have sheets or blankets. They were just one of the many privileges I had been deprived of during my stay. I rolled across the bed and fell into an impression left in the other half of the bed. It was cold, like someone hadn't been laying there for awhile, yet the impression was made recently. Someone had been in the bed with me! At the realization of this my eyes shot open and my heart hammered in my chest. I thought my heart was gonna beat right out of my chest and onto the bed.

As I tried to tame my galloping heart, I scanned the room. The bed was a king sized one and was set in the middle of the room against the wall. On both sides of it were night stands with identical lamps. The night stand opposite of the one on my side had a clock. It was 2:30 in the morning... Across from the bed on the opposite wall, a portrait was strung up. It depicted some bloody battle with mangled corpses scattered across the length of the scene. My eyes didn't dwell on it long. Beneath the portrait was a fireplace. It was made of red bricks and had fresh logs in it but it wasn't lit. On both sides of the fireplace were bay windows with black curtains shadowing them. In front of the fireplace was an elaborate rug with elegant looking chairs skirting the outside of it.

"Do you like my room? I see your admiring it." A blush crept across my cheeks as I failed to notice the man come in and see me checking out his room.

"Yes... It's lovely," I said while looking down at my hands so he wouldn't see me blushing. It was a childish thing but I felt like a kid getting caught stealing out of the cookie jar.

"Lovely, eh? That's a new term to describe it." From his voice I could tell he was smirking. I looked up once I got enough courage, but was met with only the shadow of him. He was leaning against the door in the shadows yet I could sense him smirking at me.

"Why do you stand in the shadows where I cannot see you?"

"Because I am the holder of many mysteries."

"Oh.." What he said he was made little sense. Sure he liked to hide in the shadows and leave the room when I started to wake, but did that really make him mysterious? In my eyes this just made him seem like his identity was a secret and if I knew it then who knows what would happen.

He leaned off the door, but still kept in the shadows as he made his way towards me. My heart began to thrum in my chest as shivers went down my spine. I barley knew this man yet he had a powerful affect on my body.

"I think you should know that I can feel everything you are feeling. I can feel your rapid heartbeat, the shivers that run down your spine when I'm near you. I can even feel the lust rolling off your body. I'd advise that your feelings are not in your best interest..." He let his voice trail off as he approached the side of the bed I lay on.

"Why are my own feelings not in my best interest? They are mine after all." I wanted my words to come out firm to show him that I wasn't scared of anything he would try telling me, but my voice came out as a croak and the words sounded like they came from someone else. Not from me.

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