Not the end

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You spent a week with Geo & you had fun, You met him & you guys became boyfriend & girlfriend.

The plane landed and you guys got your bags and walked off .
Your pov:
I had a fun week with Geo and the rest of POMSFAM. But now it was going to be over , they were leaving to go to the next state after they spend time at home.
Geos pov:
I'm really going to miss my girlfriend y/n even though I met her this week and I really like her a lot . She is so amazing and I want to be with her for awhile , long time actually.

Mario: me and the twins will start to load the uber so hand me you bag please Geo ?
(Passed the bag and all boys have you a huge hug and kisses your cheek)
Jovani: see you around beautiful
Julian: going to miss you lovely
Mario: I'll miss my new BESTFRIEND!
Y/n: I'll miss you all too , see you around I guess .

They all left to the uber and you and Geo Had 5 minutes to say goodbye .
Geo: y/n I'm really going to miss you .
Y/n: I'm going to miss you too geo .
(You guys hugged really tightly, you started to get watery eyes , you were never good with goodbyes.)
Geo: baby no , (wiped your tears )
Y/n: I'm sorry
Geo: i promise we'll FaceTime , text , call, and all that good stuff okay ?
Y/n: okay , but don't forget about me
Geo: aww how could I forget my beautiful girlfriend. I promise I won't .
Y/n: okay good ( you hugged and kissed )
Geo: goodbye cutie
Y/n: goodbye Juwany
Later you went home and unpacked your stuff , and spent time with your family .

You and Geo were still a couple , you dated for several months and talked daily or 5 times a week.
You guys met up almost every two weeks and maybe twice . Always going on little adventures around your home town and little date nights growing closer to live.

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