Chapter 1: Queen of England

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Robins pov.
I think I should know how to make love to something innocent without leaving my fingerprints

As the limo comes to a stop I wait for the driver to open my door. I dust off my dark blood red crop top and black ripped jeans. My driver opens the door and I put my black combat out the limo. Being with my lowest title of queen of England has its perks.....

Carters pov.

Me and the whole school stand outside waiting for bell to ring in all our groups. Being alpha of alphas has its perks.

"You hear there's a new student?" Drake my beta asks. "No, what about her?" Nathen my third in command asks.

"I hear she's rich like queen rich so-" he gets cut of by the sound of an engine. A large black limo pulls up and the driver gets out and walks to the back door. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen steps out and nods at the driver. All the French kids gasp and bow down at her feet and say 'my queen' she nods and walks toward us. She smiles and nods. She stops in front of us smirks.

"My queen?" I question.

"Queen of England of course." She replies. We all stare in shock because we all didn't expect a girl this bad ass looking to be the ruler of England we thought the queen was old...

"My names Robinstalora Regina Elizebeth" she says.

"Carter Rein." I hold out my hand for her to shake but she just stares at it. She looks up and smiles.

"Alpha of alphas I presume. Nice one well bye Carter, Drake, and Nathen."she says before walking off leaving the whole school shocked.

Robins pov.
I don't know why I decided to be cocky, but I can do I will. Smirking, I walked right into the front office.

"What the fuck did you do this time Carter?" The lady asked amused.

"Oh, I don't know why don't you go ask him yourself" I replied grinning menacingly. The lady looked up and glared.

"What the fuck do you want?" She said back rudely.

"Hot damn there's no reason to be rude" I said feigning hurt.

"I asked who the fuck you were bitch"

"I am a person if you can't see" I replied as sassily as Chicago. Haha that made no sense....


"Fine bitch, fine. I'm the knew student Robinstalora Regina Elizabeth, now can you please give me my schedule I have more important things to do than to annoy you." I replied, snappily I may add.

"Uh fine." She said rolling her eyes.
The lady, who's name still remains unknown, handed me my schedule.

"Here's your schedule, Robin."

Snatched the paper out her hands and stormed out the room. No one and I mean no one calls me Robin except for my parents and mother fücking dead.
I look at my paper and see that I have honers physics first. I sigh in frustration while I take my iPhone 7 out of my pocket. I turn on the power and look at the time. 9:00, raising one of my eyebrows I shrugged realizing 1st period was almost over. Slowly I walked over to my locker taking my time since I had about 18 minutes. 1188, 1190, fuck yeah 1192. I had already memorized the combination seeing as it was a long walk to my locker.

"25, 31, 47" I quietly mumbled under my breath as I turn the knob, though before I even open it I drop my backpack to the ground carelessly knowing there was nothing useful in it other than textbooks. I pull out my binder filled with a bunch of 100 page spirals. Just as I push my backpack in the locker and slam it closed the bell rings signaling the end of 2nd period.
I stuff my headphones and start the dreaded walk to third period, honors math.

----- time skip to lunch -----

Rolling my eyes I walk out of math ignoring my scream teacher. It wasn't my fault she was bad at math. The bitch probably didn't know nine plus ten. Twenty- one obviously dipshits.

Continuing my strut I quickly reach my locker.

Opening it quickly with my vampire speed so I don't have to wait to eat my delicious lunch.

I slam my messy locker closed after grabbing the ugly brown bag. Your probably wondering why no lunch box? Well, Idk so fuck off it's none of your business.
Laughing quietly I look down and almost bump into the doors.

"Mother fucking doors popping up out no where, trying to kill me all the time." I grumble angrily under my breath as I walk into the lunch room.

Scanning the room I see Carter, the boy from the parking lot. Shrugging, I walk over to them not caring if I was invited or not.

"Sup bitches." I said sitting down.

"Kevin glad you could make it." Carter said sarcastically.

"How does my name have any relation with Kevin?" I asked stunned.

"Well there's an A in your name and there isn't one in Kevin so that's how I came up with it." He replied proudly.

"Mhm... whatever helps you sleep at night."

"So new girl where you from?" Beta Drake asked.

"All over England, but mostly Manchester since it's the easiest to pronounce and I love their hotels and houses." I said.

"What school did you go to before?" He questioned.

"Woah woah woah, what is this? 2 million questions?" I asked defensively.

"Yes, Yes it is." Gamma Nathen said.

"Gosh, I thought Eli was bad." I muttered.

"Who the fuck is Eli?" Carter growled out in anger although his face was showing confusion. Good boy, he's finally figuring it out.

"Bad ass, and very hot, senior" I said back smirking as he angrily stood up and stormed out the cafeteria.

"It's literally been 2 1/2 hours and he's finally figuring out we're mates." I say watching him storm out.

"YOUR WHAT?!"  Some hoe screamed out.

"Can you not here I said mates deaf girl." I say rudely.

"The fuck did you say to me?! Do you know who I am! I'm the mother fuck-" she screamed out before I cut her off and said:

"Bitch, does it look like I give a fucking shit? Cause I sure as hell know I didn't give one." I reply arrogantly knowing my comebacks were always the shit.

"Oh my fucking god, I'm dying with laughter." She said back sarcastically.

"Good, I always knew I was funny."

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