Chapter 2: Doodge Ball Bitches and Hoes part 1

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Robins pov.

----- skip to gym -----

"Listen up you losers! We're going to be playing the cliche shit called dodge! Groan and cheer all you want I don't give a fuck, just get out there and move around and you'll get and A in this class." The retarded teacher yelled.

"We can already hear you, you retarded fuck some of us have very sensitive ears and need you to shut the fuck up!" I mumbled under my breath already knowing he was a werewolf and could hear me. Either he ignored me or he's just a little shit because he didn't say anything.

"Team captains are Allie and Carter."
Whistling I rolled my eyes at how cliche this was.

"Carter picks first." Shitty teacher says, as Allie stomps her foot. What dodgeball ball hoe.

"Kevin" Carter said rolling his eyes. Smirking I stood up causing everyone to look up, probably because there is no Kevin in this class.

"Robinstalora sit down he said Kevin not your god awful name." Shitty teacher explained. I sighed in annoyance already pissed off.

"Ever heard of nicknames you little shit." I growled out.

"How does Kevin have anything to do with your name?" Shitty teacher asked puzzled.

"There's an A in Robinstalora and there isn't one in Kevin," Me and Carter said at the same time.

"He came up with it." I explained as I continued to walk down the bleachers again. It basically continued like that just... without the arguing and nicknames.

"Listen up you pussies! Grab a ball and throw when I blow the whistle you get hit your out." Coach shitty said.

"Like we haven't played or at least seen dodge ball, you dumbass." I muttered as he ignored me again although I heard the snickers of my fellow gym buddies.

Coach shitty rolled his eyes and blew the whistle. A shit load of peaceful ran forward and tried to grab a ball, but were hit the second they took a step. Did I forget to mention almost everyone in this school are werewolves?..... Oh well.

Leaning against the wall, I watched as all the weaklings got out leaving Apla Carter, his beta and third and on my side Alpha Matt, his beta and third plus me.

"Hurry the fuck up you dildos." I say feigning a yawn in exhaust. I guess they all forgot I was there cause they turned around and looked at me with wide eyes.

"What? I'm not getting any younger." I impatiently say.

"How the hell are you not out?" Alpha Matt asked.

"I just stood in the back and watched dip shit now look forward before we're pelted with balls."

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