Dino and Jun

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"Y/N. Y/N!" Your friend Jun Hui nudged your shoulder.
"You're staring again." He told you looking annoyed.
"What? Oh."
"That's the fourth time today."
"Sorry." You couldn't help it. You just found Lee Chan very attractive then again, so did every other girl.
"What were you saying?" You asked. Jun sighed.
"Are you actually going to listen to me this time?"
"I'll try."
"What's so special about him anyways?"
"He's perfect." Jun rolled his eyes.
"Nobody is perfect, Y/N."
"Well he is."
"No he's not. He missed a beat at dance practice yesterday."
"He did!" Jun hit his hand on the table.
"Wow. Why are you getting so upset about this, Jun? You barely ever get upset. What's wrong?"
"I'm just trying to talk to my friend but a stupid guy keeps getting in the way who she thinks is 'perfect'! I can't even talk to you anymore without the mention of your dumb Senpai!"
"I-" you were lost for words.
"He won't go out with you anyways."
"Why would you say that?!" Tears began to well up in your eyes. Jun got up.
"Where are you going?" You asked.
"To find someone who'll listen and not rave about their Senpai."
"Fine." You acted like you were okay with it, but without your friend Jun, you were lost.

The rest of the day was slow and seemed to drag on forever. Jun wasn't there to brighten your spirit or make you laugh, no one was. The only thing that kept you going was your phone.

You unlocked the door, kicked off your shoes and lounged on the couch. You were soon accompanied by your cat named Suga. You pet his soft fur as he climbed on top of you. You smiled. That reminded you of Jun. You thought that you should probably phone Jun and tell him that you're sorry about what happened.


He was the one who got upset and offended. He was the one that hurt my feelings. He was the one that left. He should be that one who apologizes. You waited for a call, a text, a voicemail, anything from Jun, but it never came. Would Chan never go out with you like Jun said? You were truly hurt that Jun would say something like that to you. You eyes began to water again. You really liked Lee Chan and you didn't want to have to face the sad fact that he wouldn't go out with you. A tear fell from your eye and landed on Suga, he ran away. Everything seemed to be doing that lately. This made you angry. No. You weren't going to let Jun tell you that. You were going to prove him wrong. Chan likes cute girls with aegyo so that's what he'll get.

You didn't realize how long it can take just to perfect one makeup look. It took over an hour, but you looked perfect. Not a single flaw in your makeup. You had to admit, you looked pretty good. You were confident walking into the school. You felt like you could do anything, that was up until you saw Chan. He looked so perfect standing there. You wanted to run into the bathroom and check your makeup and hair you had to continue though. You walked by him and just smiled. He noticed you and smiled back. Inside you were freaking out. He noticed you and he smiled at you. This was a great start. The next step was science class. You were in the same class as Chan so you could talk to him there and Jun was in that class too, so you could show off to Jun. The bell was right on time. Perfect. You sat down and looked across the room to Chan. He caught your gaze and you looked down embarrassed. You could tell he was still looking over at you. You smiled to yourself. So far so good. The teacher walked in the room and began teaching about chemistry. You turned back to Chan he was paying close attention to the lesson. He didn't even seem to notice you. Dang it. You decided it would be the best idea to focus on the lesson.
"Here are the handouts with the questions." Your teacher said as he handed out yellow papers. "Would anyone like to read the first paragraph for the class?" Your hand immediately shot up.
"Alright. Y/N, why don't you go first." You began to read. You caught a glimpse of Chan staring at you. You finished the reading and glanced over at Jun. He looked angry but didn't make eye contact with you. Hopefully he will get over this soon. You went back to paying attention to your teacher until he told the class to start working on the worksheet.
"I expect these to be done by the end of class. If they are not done, they're assigned as homework."
"Can we have partners?" One of the dumber people asked, wanting to depend on someone else to do their work.
"Fine. As long as the work gets done." A lot of people partnered up but some didn't like you, Chan and Jun. You would've been Jun's partner if you weren't mad with each other. You glanced back at Jun to see him staring at you and then he quickly look away when you saw him. You looked at Chan to see him working away. You considered asking to work with him but you decided not to disturb him since he seemed so concentrated. You ended up working by yourself and finished almost all of the questions. When you were just about finished the last question, Chan turned around and asked you,
"Are you done yet?"
"Just about." You answered continuing to work.
"Did you finish question 17?"
"Could you please explain it to me?"
"Oh sure!" It was a good thing you comprehended that question or else you never would've gotten the opportunity to talk to him. Once you were done explaining the question, Chan thanked you and went back to work. You were so happy he actually talked to you! Your mood was soon ruined when Jun walked by. He just happened to walk by right in your path of seeing Chan. Of corse. You tried not to let him bother you.
Lunch came and you didn't really want to sit with Jun so you sat with a group of other girls. It wasn't that great since you were excluded from every conversation, but it was better than sitting alone. You didn't see Chan or even any of his friends anywhere in the cafeteria so you left and started to walk around the school. The door to the Science class was opened and you only caught a glimpse of what was inside that always all you needed though. You saw Chan in there. You stopped dead in your tracks causing someone to hit into you. You didn't really care. You stepped inside of the classroom and took a closer look. All his friends were in there chatting away and flirting with girls, meanwhile Chan was working away. You admired how hardworking he was. You walked I to the classroom and up to Chan.
"Still working?" You asked.
"Yeah. This is extra work I got from the teacher. I want to get this stuff down packed."
"You sure are a hard worker."
"Yeah." You watched him write down his answers and noticed that when he writes, he occasionally sticks out his tongue. It was so cute. You giggled.
"What?" Chan asked keeping his eyes on his work.
"You stick your tongue out when you write."
"It's cute."
"It is?" Chan looked at you and you nodded. That made him smile. Chan then went back to work.
"Do you need any help?" You questioned.
"I think I'm good for now. Thanks for asking."
"Any time." You heard whispers behind you.
"Psst." Someone's whispered. You turned around to see Soonyoung, one of Chan's closer friends, waving for you to come over to him.
"I'll just be over here if you want me." You said to Chan before going to Soonyoung.
"What is it?"
"Do you like Chan, Y/N?"
"Why do you ask that?" You said attempting to hold back how scared you were for him to find out.
"Well you came in to talk to him, you said he was cute and I saw the way you looked at him."
"So." You shrugged.
"So you do like him! I knew it!" He grinned pleased with himself.
"Shhh! I don't want everyone finding out! Promise you won't tell?"
"Fine." You didn't seem so sure about it but decided to trust Soonyoung. He better not tell.
"How long have you liked him for?"
"Does it matter?"
"I'm just curious."
"A while."
"I know who likes you, Y/N."
"Really?! Who?"
"I can't say specifically but they are in my dance team. That's all I'm going to say." Chan is on his dance team!! Chan is the person!
"Is it Chan? Please tell me!" You begged.
"Nope. Sorry. I can't tell."
"Do I need to bribe you?" Soonyoung raised an eyebrow?
"What do you have in mind?" He asked you.
"Hmm. I was thinking, you could buy me lunch for-"
"Done." You said not letting him finish. "Now tell me."
"Alright. N."
"What?" You were confused.
"If you would've let me finish, you would've found out that one lunch equals one letter in their name. You were too impatient. All you had to do was wait for me to finish."
"N is in all three of their names though! Chan, Minghao, Jun!"
"I know."
"That was cheap. I'm not buying you lunch."
"Then I just I might accidentally tell Chan that you have a major crush on him." Soonyoung threatened.
"You wouldn't." He smiled deviously.
"Oh but I would. I think I will right now..."
"Okay. Fine. Lunch is on me."
"Sweet! I would like a large slice of cheese pizza, home fries, a bunch of egg rolls, some-" The bell cut him off. Good thing too.
"Bring money tomorrow. Don't forget."
"Oh I'm sure I won't." You rolled your eyes. You looked back at Chan and blushed. Did he like you? Did Lee Chan really like you? You smiled at the thought of it.

The rest of the day was spent daydreaming. You had a stupid smile plastered on your face. You didn't seem aware of your surroundings or what was going on in class but at the moment, you didn't care. You were going to happily live in your dream world for as long as you wanted to.

Home at last and you were still smiling like crazy. You were going to tell Chan tomorrow. You were going to find out if he felt the same way about you.

You woke up. Today was the day. You were going to tell him. You had to look good for this special occasion so you took extra time to fix your hair and do your makeup so that it was just right. Once you were satisfied, you brush your teeth and headed out the door. You had butterflies in your stomach. The bus ride was short and quiet and you soon arrived at the school. Of corse one of the first people you see is Chan. You take a deep breath and start to walk towards him, your stomach doing flip flops more crazily with every step. You were shaking by the time you reached Chan.
"H-hey Chan." You stuttered. He turned around and his face lit up when he saw you.
"Oh, hi Y/N. What's up?" He greeted you nicely.
"Oh um not much. Hey, I was wondering if uh-"
"Did you bring my lunch money?" Soonyoung interrupted. Perfect timing.
"What lunch money?" Chan asked.
"We just made a deal." You cut him off before he said too much.
"Right." Soonyoung stated remembering.
"I don't really know what you guys are talking about but I can leave if you want." Chan offered.
"No." You snapped immediately. "It's fine." You added trying to recover. There was an awkward silence.
"So Y/N, I know it's not any of my business or anything but what happened between you and Jun? Ever since you guys haven't been hanging out, he hasn't been doing his best in practice." Chan informed you.
"He hasn't really been eating either." Soonyoung piped in.
"Oh really? I wonder why he has been acting like that. All that happened was he got mad at me for raving about my Senpai."
"Who's your Senpai?" Chan raised an eyebrow. Soonyoung gasped.
"What?" You asked curiously.
"I think I might know why Jun has been acting like that and not eating."
"Why?" You were anxious to find out now.
Soonyoung looked up into your eyes.
"Me? What do I have to do with this?"
"Jun really liked you, Y/N. I guess he got jealous when you kept talking about Chan and he couldn't perform because he wasn't focused on dancing."
"Soonyoung." You said behind clenched teeth.
"Oops." He said coming to a realization of his mistake.
"You like me, Y/N?"
"Hehe." You blushed uncontrollably and kept your gaze down.
"You're cool and everything, Y/N and don't get me wrong, I like you as a friend but not as anything more. I'm sorry."
"Oh." So much for confessing your love to him.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I really am."
"I still get my lunch money though, right?"
Chan elbowed him.
"Ow. What was that for?"
"Don't ask her that now." Chan practically whispered.
"No it's fine." You grabbed the money and handed it to Soonyoung. "Enjoy." You gloomily walked away, dragging your feet.
You could hear the two behind you.
"Real smooth, Chan. You totally just blew it. Now that's two depressed people because of you. Great job." Who was the other? You thought to yourself. Jun. That's when you came to the realization that all this time you wasted on Chan, but it was Jun all along. The perfect guy was right in front of you. You rapidly walked around the school looking for him. You spotted him in the guidance room. What was he doing there?
"Jun! I am so sorry I didn't-" You saw his arms full of cuts and his body covered in bruises. "Jun...." He shamefully looked away. You pulled him in for a big hug, leaving him no time to react.
"I'm sorry." He whispered in your ear.
"Me too." You replied. "I wish I knew it was you all along."
"I knew it was you." He admitted. You pulled away. A tear streamed down you face. He wiped it off.
"I'm sorry." You repeated.
"I know." You looked deeply into Jun's eyes. Your faces slowly inching forwards. You lips barely touched but it was enough. Jun was smiling.
"You look beautiful by the way."

TODAY IS J-HOPE, DOKYEOM AND VERNON'S BIRTHDAYS TODAY!! Oh my god! I'm freaking out. Triple birthday! Today is a holy day people. Praise Jisoos. Amen.

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