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I crouch down and pick the stick up. It's cold and its little barks are already peeling off. I examine the sticks texture and what's its been through. Lots of little moss, Ice just barely taking over the stick.I snap the stick and drop it to the ground.
I look up at the sky. The sky's greyish blue with a slight sign that rain is coming, the clouds are faintly moving away. The cloud though, they're so transparent that even a bird hiding behind it would be spotted soon enough but that wouldn't be possible because of all these trees. Large, hulking and dead trees almost blocking the sky. There's barely any leaves on the trees, the roots are all protruding from the ground, the barks are all falling off making a huge mess around it and guessing by all the moss and mushrooms it's been like this ever since.
The Roots. I lightly kick at the roots. It's Hard and most of the ice on it falls off. I run my fingers along the roots 'till the end. It's cold and the texture's surprisingly smooth. Lots of moss on this one but only a few mushrooms.
I walk around the tree, slowly examining it, I know it's useless studying the dead tree but something about the tree doesn't seem right. There, little claw marks. Can't be a squirrels or a rodents. Not even the woodpeckers around here would have sharp talons to do that. I know it's here and it's around.
The mark isn't fresh and it's probably because they aren't active at this time of day.
I leave the forest and hop back in my car and drive off back to town.

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