Blood (P2)

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I'm off to work but instead of the car I take the train. Why? Because trains are somehow more pleasant for me. I just like having to be in the train and just enjoying the ride. I've got my hot cocoa in my left hand and my bag at my right. I look at my reflection on the glass and man do I loom tired. My eyes are okay though, no eye bags but my hair is jutting out, my beard looks unclean and not shaved properly and my clothes weren't even ironed this morning. I try to clean myself up and it does work but my clothes won't be able to look clean at all even with that little stain on the side of my shirt. There's not much people in the train and there's so many seats but yet I'm standing. Standing like an idiot. I won't bother getting a seat since I'm near my destination and I'm not even tired. My phone rings and I pick it up. It's my colleague, Torc. "Hi, How're you? Something up?" I ask. "Eh, not good. Office is in need of renovation and manager is letting everyone go home early today"
I had came here for nothing then. great.
"Ah, That's great" I say, sipping my drink slowly.
I can hear the office being renovated as the sounds of the drills and hammers are audible. "Can you pick me up,though?" I ask him. I'm hoping for a yes because I'm hoping for at least someone to talk to and a ride home.
"Pick you up?" He asks sounding a little stressed.
"Y-you don't have to if you're busy y-"
"It's okay. I can pick you up right now. Wait for me in front of the cafe nearby the entrance of train."
I thank him and he hangs up. Torc has always been a good friend to me. He has never let me down once and even when I'm on the brink of insanity due to work-related stress he always has a way to calm me down. I don't call him my best friend because I don't exactly know what I am to him and I think he'd feel a little weirded out if I said I was his best friend without his consent. I'm not weird or anything but I'm not like him. Strikingly cold at times, Warm-hearted too on other times, Lovable, Diligent and gentle even for a big guy like him. What I am is stressful, Careless, workaholic, broken, reliable sometimes and loud.
I hear a Bing! noise. Joanne has texted me that she wants to come over this evening. No, she can't do that. I'm off to the forest once more just to check up on things again. But this is Joanne....
I reply that she can and I'll meet her by 7 due to some other tasks I have to complete. She doesn't reply back but she read it and that's just her way of saying "Great!" And "Good!" And it's really annoying. The train stops and I come out of the train, up the stairs, through the large hallway and out of the station. There's a long traffic line happening on the road. A car crashed happened awhile ago and now it's blocking the cars. Paramedics and police are all over the place and people are just peeking through or minding their own business. A woman, alive but unconscious, is being carried away to the hospital, The other car's passengers are dead and that's when I see it again but this time it's different.
Just a few metres away from the crowd is one of those monsters that live in the forest but this one's floating and has a large, bulbous head and a small body. It resembles an alien but not exactly. It's short just like a child and it has no flaws but instead it has short stubs with purple slime oozing from the tips. It has a long tail with a small ball on the tip and it's bulbous head has three spots on it that glow a mix of purple and blue. It doesn't have eyes or maybe those spots are its eyes. Its feet have no toes nor any soles, it's just two long, round logs. It floats in the air watching over the crowd. I wonder if it's invisible to others except me but why me though? I saw it before last year but it had an odd band around it's head but now it's gone and probably replaced with those orbs. It had red eyes before but not now. Maybe it evolved or something I don't really know at all. The last time I saw It it was around another accident near an abandoned coal mine. There was a group of teens that were killed by a large, Fallen tree and just behind those trees was the creature. I've decided to call it "Brain" due to it's possibly high intelligence and psychic powers. It suits it. And with a blink of an eye, it disappears. The crowd that was around the streets have disappeared, The paramedics and the police are gone as well. How long have I been staring at it? Long enough to make people think I'm crazy? Who knows though, I might be hallucinating but that can't be. These things are real and so far I've only seen 2 and the most common is Brain as it was the first I've ever seen. I'd call it the most intriguing one because of it's odd design. It isn't like the Trackers Which has a more menacing design.
Honk! Honk!
Torc is here, His red CRV is getting closer to me. Again, how long have I been standing here? He stops his car just a few steps away from me and opens up the windows. "You gonna come or not?" He asks in a sleepy tone. God, his eyes aren't the same as they used to. His green eyes are now pale and he has eye bags now, His hair's a bit messy and his top lip is stained with most probably coffee or something that's edible and brown. I get in to the passenger's seat and buckle my seat belt. He groans a little and yawns loudly as he closes the Windows. "You didn't really have to pick me up y'know?"
"I got sleepy when traffic"
"You could have taken your rest you didn't-"
He covers my mouth with his hand and leans on closer to me. "Stop complaining about it. You should be grateful I even came." he says, emphasising it all. He get's a little upset when people are being ungrateful to him. That's just Torc and that's how I like him. We drive off and surprisingly the traffic's gone and there aren't much cars around today. That's a rare event to even happen on a Thursday which is the busiest time here. "You busy tonight?" He asks.
"Kinda. Joanne is coming over, though"
"She your new girlfriend?"
I blush at the thought of it and quickly shift my gaze to the window. "N-no..Nothing like that.. She's just coming over y'know?" I say, trying to sound calm and not fidgety. He's not buying it. He doesn't believe that me and Joanne aren't a couple. He totally ships us hardcore and he has his mind set on helping me hook up with her. "What you want to do with her?"
"Excuse me?"
"What are you planning to do with her at your home?" He asks winking at me. I know what he means and No. I don't plan on doing that. Don't get me wrong I'm totally OK with the idea but it's just that I respect her decisions and if she wants it she'll get it without hesitation from me. Hehe.
I say "I plan to just have dinner with her that's all. Maybe chat for awhile and drive her back home"
He sighs in disappointment at my lack of dedication to her. "You should start sometime soon, Tom" he says calmly. "They are like beautiful foxes. You see them and you want them but they never give you enough time."
"Why foxes though?"
"It is just how I say it but you get the point"
It stays silent after that. We arrive at our destination and he parks in my garage. I asked him and he plans on staying as well. I'm Ok with it. The more the merrier right?

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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