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The forest feels different now. Something's lurking around here and I'm sure because of the stench. That putrid stench, the smell of petroleum and burning rubber lingers around the air. The smell is really bad that it makes even the best bloodhounds go crazy and run off to escape it. Luckily, My nose doesn't really pick up scents that much which is sometimes an advantage to me. I refuse to inhale deeply despite how I'm losing my breath, I know it's what it uses to track down it's prey. It could be poison but it's not killing me right now so I'll cross that out.
I hear two low clicks deep within the forest, Not like the snap of fingers but clicks like those of a Dolphins. Echolocation. It's trying to know it's surroundings. The smell is fading away.
Slowly...And Slowly...I stay still for awhile and it's gone.
I know it knows that I'm here. That I'm searching for it. That I know it exists. That I know they exist. The sky is filled with grey clouds. The grass just nearly dead. Brownish black and a little dark green, The soil doesn't seem like soil anymore it's just dead ground now. I want to get to out of here. I've had enough of this, I've had enough of this forest. All I want is that blasted reactor.

I leave the forest and head back to the city, I don't go home but instead head over to a nearby cafe. I've never been to this cafe before and it only recently opened up so I never really got the chance to visit the place or stop by since I'm caught up with work and all.
I push open the glass doors and immediately cold air just passes through me, Like a blast. A cold,icy blast that is. Their cafe isn't like the others in the city. The floors are wooden floorboards, The counter is right in front of me and the tables and chairs are all positioned to be near the wide glass windows. The windows are one way so anyone from outside can't see us but we can see them. It's somewhat a beautiful, modern sight because of how dim it is today and the cars headlights just seem like orbs speeding though. I like it, I like this place already. Feels like a second home and even has this homey feeling. The lady in the counter greets me and asks for my order, I ask for a cappuccino and pay. She hands me my drink and I take the seat nearest to me. The couch, Velvet in colour, Is way too soft for my taste. The tables are amazing with spiral lettering with words "Relax" and "Sit Back and enjoy your drink" all over it.
"Hi". A slightly high pitched voice calls out. It's her, My co-worker, Joanne. She looks happy to see me with her pearly whites being revealed enough to even make a person blind. Her dark blue sweater hugs her body perfectly and her long skirt just flows just right where the air conditioner blows. Her strawberry blonde hair tied into a bun looks really neat and her green eyes just makes even the toughest guys the softest.
"Hey there, Joe. Surprised to see you here" I reply, Still staring at her eyes.
She looks at me as if I've done something embarrassing and I guess I am right now. "Funny seeing you here, Tom. I thought you never liked cafes," She says, bending her neck slightly like a confused bird. I offer her to sit and she does, she leans on the glass and man, does she look perfect doing that. "Just because I never went here doesn't mean I hate cafes"
"Well, you should've called me and we could've came here together"
"Not much willpower to call?" I say in a shy tone, much like whimpering to be honest. She giggles and stands up to order something. I rest my head against the glass thinking what I'm ever gonna do if I even hook up with her one day, I'd be the luckiest man alive to be honest. Who wouldn't want a woman like her? She's the full package. Almost. She comes back with tea in her hands and a couple of sugar packets trapped between her lips."Can I ask you something?" She asks, Adding sugar to her tea."Sure" I reply. She stirs her tea and takes a slow sip. "You used to stay around the office working and helping others and now you stopped doing that. What's up?"
I wish she never asked that question. Should I tell her? Should I tell her of reactor 9? Should I tell her about what lurks around in the forest? No, I shouldn't. She would think I'm crazy and delusional. "Oh um..I'm just busy at home y'know?" I tell her but she seems to not buy it at all. She steps on my toe slightly, "Don't lie,Tom. Right now, You're like losing chances of being the new manager. You've always wanted that."
"I think I'm gonna give up on that for now"
"Why?" She asks, her face worried and her eyes just filled with woe. I don't answer and just finish up my cappuccino but she insists on me answering but I still hesitate. "Tom, You're acting weird. What's wrong?"
Her tone a little more serious. This is it. I've caused her to be more suspicious of me and my actions and that's not what you're supposed to do. "Alright fine." I say, Throwing my hands up as if I'm surrendering. "I've been going to bars for a little drink y'know? Can't relieve my stress in other ways except drinking" I tell her. Of course it's a lie but what else am I supposed to say? And surprisingly, she buys it and seems to relax a little more. "Tom, You aren't supposed to do that but I understand-"
I see it now. I see the fracker just outside. I see it's body outline just right outside. I can't see it's face but I see it's yellowish eyes just staring at me. blankly staring at me. It's black, thin body just staying still. Two spikes on it's back and both of it's long claws on the glass as if wanting to get in. But just in a flash, It's gone.
Joanne snaps her fingers at me." Where you listening?"
"Yah, Yah. I was." Again I lie but I know she's keeping it as a secret since she's my best friend apparently. Well a girl best friend and someone I can fully trust. "Look," she holds my hand and looks straight at me in the eye. "Stop drinking and focus on what's best for you and your life."
I hold her hand gently slightly rubbing my thumb against her knuckles. "Okay, I promise" I tell her. She gives me a look of relief and stand up." I have to go, See you tomorrow!" She says in a oddly cheery tone. We exchange goodbyes. I exit the cafe and enter my car, I start up the engine and then that's when I see it again but this time much clearer. It clings onto the wall of the cafe but with it's head twisted to me. It's body still facing the wall and I'm here in shock and awe of it. It's long spikes are now two, small stubs. It's black skin, which is actually dark blue, starts to turn into scales and jumps away back to where it came from. I immediately knew it was the one that was in the first earlier today. The Tracker.

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