Aphmua's Little Girl 2

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*Time skip to a few years later*
" Hey Levin, wait up!" I called after my brother. "Come on (Y/N)." Levin yelled back to me from the top of the hill. Let me just tell you what's going on. Levin is my big brother (adoptive) and so is Malachi. My mother is called Aphmau but she went missing a few years ago and never returned home. Me and my brothers were quite young at the time and didn't really understand. After a little while of searching for her and the others that went missing, Zoey stepped in. She took us to the place she used to live in. All I can remember from there is that it was beautiful.

"(Y/N)!! Come on we're nearly there!" Levin shouted to me. Wow he got there quickly. When I did finally get to the top of the hill Levin was already sat down looking out over the sea. I joined him. Just sitting there enjoying the sunset. Then Levin broke the silence. " (Y/N)?" My brother questioned," Yes Levin?" Turing to look at him resting on my side. "You know when we were younger and you said to me ' When I'm older I'm gonna be just like mama'?" I began to think back to all those years ago and remember that some words similar to that did come out of my mouth. "Yep I remember." I said now laying on my back. "Well are you going to be like mum then (Y/N)?" After my brother asked me that I was silent for quite some time. Well I guess that is what I have always wanted to do and I know the consequences of being like mum..."(Y/N)?" Levin caused me to brake out of my train of thought. "Yes Levin I do intend to be like mum when I'm just that bit older." My brother smiled at me. "Good you know mum would be proud of you?" I knew that mum be happy for all of us already but I found it really sweet of Levin to say that. "Yeah I know." Then just a few seconds later my oldest brother, Malachi, came and sat with us. "Hey you two it's time to eat and you know how Zoey gets when we're late" Malachi said smiling." I'll be there in just a minute ok?" I had to just do something quickly..." Sure (Y/N) just don't be to late." And with that the two of them went down to the house to eat. I look up at the sky once more and just said,"Mum I know your still here with us. A lot of things have changed since you left. Like how Dante has married Kawaii~Chan and they have a lovely little girl. A few of the villagers have moved away from Phoenix-Drop but some are still here. Where ever you are mum just know that I will never stop remembering you until you and the others come back safe. I love you mum come back soon." On that note I jumped to my feet, grabbed a big leaf off a tree and sat in it while I slid down the hill (because why the heck not?).When I arrived at the bottom I ran to the front door of the house and shout,"I'm ready for my food!!! Hahaha."

Well here is the long awaited part two of the one shot! Super sorry about it taking so long I was just baiting if I should do a part two but anyway here it is so have a wonderful day my little glitters wherever you are till next time............................................BBBBBBBBYYYYYYEEEEEE!!!!!! 💜💜🦄🦄xxxxx

*COMPLETED*Aphmau Minecraft Diaries (Levin X Sister Reader) One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now