part 1: it begins here

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As soon as y/n arrived in Los Angeles, he/she was grabbing the suitcases from the luggage dispenser and walked out the door, not knowing that a certain friend was going to surprise him/her. So as soon as y/n walked out of the airport, a young man accidentally bumped into him/her. This young man was none other than Markiplier, but y/n didn't know that until Mark apologized for bumping into him/her. "I am so sorry. I didn't see you at the door," said Mark. "It's quite alright," Said y/n. "No harm, no foul right?." Although y/n seem quite puzzled when mark looked around for something or rather someone. "Are you looking for someone by any chance?" "Yes, I am. I am looking for (y/y/c). Is he/she here? I am just nervous about meeting this person." "Don't worry," said y/n," I have no doubt he/she is nervous about meeting you too. You know how I know this?" Mark shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. "Because I am y/y/c." Mark was in awe. How could he have not seen this coming? While you and Mark were heading to the door of the airport, he thought to himself, while smiling at the same time, "what other surprises are in store with this one around?"

As soon as Mark and y/n was heading to Mark's car, he was kind enough to put your luggage into the trunk of his car, and open the passenger side door just to be a gentleman. "Why thank you, kind sir," y/n said with a little giggle. Mark nodded in reply. While riding in Mark's car back to his apartment, you nodded off. In your dream, you saw that there was a mirror standing right in front of you. You looked at your own reflection, and saw that this was not you, but your darker side "hello, y/n." "Who the heck are you?" "Don't you recognize me? I am d/n, your inner demon" "My inner demon?" Confused as you are, you suddenly see d/n step out of the mirror. "I am your worst nightmare. I will make your life a living hell, but not yet. Now wake up." You instantly shot up in cold sweat. "What happened?" Asked Mark.

Shall we see what happens next? Or should we tell Mark about the nightmare. You decide.

Well, gtg. If you like the story so far, vote for it, and comment if you want to hear more.

This is Demonica875 signing out for now. Later😊

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