In Another World...

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Somewhere, far away from here

There is another world

And in that world I love you

And you have always loved me

In that other world

There are no lies or fears

Not even a secret is kept between us

We dote on the small things

And never think of the big ones

There I always hold you

And you never shed a tear

You've never told me goodbye

And I've never seen you frown

Over there you're not insecure

And I never have to be mean

We are both open books

Only for the other to read

You hold my hand tightly

And we walk soundlessly together

Neither of us speaks until we're alone

We embrace ever so passionately

And I softly love you

Our parents do not interfere

And we are free to love

Its so simple over there

All we ever have to do is smile

And everything ends perfectly

It is so nice to be with you there...


That is not our world

Our world is one of hurt

Corruption plauges everyone

And even we have drifted

In this world there is no love

For you have always hated me

Your slender body always tense

And your eyes always disdainful

In that other world

We would have been lovers

We were once so close to that reality

But now it is simply another world

So, so far away from our own...

Random Depressing poetry... yeah I know I'm depressing live with it!Where stories live. Discover now