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Okay, this is just drabble. It's complete and utter shit and probably doesn't make any sense whatsoever. But anyways, I hope you enjoy it!

Description: Mikasa starts to realise that maybe Eren needs to live his own life. (?)


"Mikasa, are you listening to me?"

Am I? I hear what Eren is saying, yet I can't say that I'm listening. I can't say that I'm doing anything right now. All in the worst possible place and time.

"Mikasa! Get up! We need to go now other wise we are going to die!"

Now I'm hearing Armin scream. I can't move. I can't do anything. I'm frozen, but why? Fear. For the first time in five years, I'm scared. Scared shitless. Why now? Why on the brink of death must I finally face this strange emotion? It's like a thick glue has been spread over the soles of my boots, keeping me stationary in this very spot. Every noise I hear is echoing around in my head. I can see everything happening, yet at the same time, its all blurry. I can feel both Eren and Armin trying to pull me up, but to no avail. I'm going to die here, because I was scared. Petrified. Terrified.

I can hear my heart beating unsteadily in my ears. I can hear the echoing foot steps of a large titan slowly making its way up behind me. Everything is silent. It's slow. Almost peaceful.

"Mikasa! Listen to us! You have to fight! You have to fight to live! Get up and fight you stupid bitch!"

Fight to live, huh? What is the point anymore. The titan's numbers are slowly growing, yet we can't stop it. We've already lost so many innocent lives. Yet there are so many that we can save, so many that are not going to get a chance to live if I don't try. I must get up. I must fight. I must try!

Finally, I push myself up and snap my head around behind me. There he was. A giant, 15 metre titan reaching his massive hand out, ready to imprison me in his deathly grip. I was not about to let that happen. Not now. Not ever. I turn back around to look at Eren and Armin, and I try to run towards them.

I was too late.

I let out a piercing scream in some sort of useless attempt to get the titan to drop me. It's useless, just as ever. It's grip was getting tighter, slowly but surely.


Eren and Armin's voices echo through the destroyed town. I hear the zip of the gear whizzing past me, and the sickening slap as it hits the skin of the monster. Both boys fly past me, averting the titans gaze from me to them. All of a sudden, the titan releases me from his grip, sending me falling to the ground below. My senses kick in and I manage to use my gear to get me up again. I can't let Eren and Armin fight him by their selves, it'd kill them. I stumble onto a roof just meters from the titan that is chasing after my only family. I'm injured, and it's obvious I am. My whole body aches and I can taste the metallic flavour of blood in my mouth. I can feel the warm liquid trickling down from my forehead. However, I must not let this stop me. I use my gear to clasp onto the titan, and I take off into the air, gliding along as I catch up to the massive monster. I land on his shoulder, and no more than a few seconds later has his eyes turned to look at me. This one is smart, unlike the many other of his kind. He lets out a low, rumbling groan as his lifts one of his heavy hands to try swat me away, like I was a fly pestering him at a picnic. I manage to move away, causing him to stumble as his large body trips over itself as he tries to turn. I watch as he falls, Eren and Armin following close behind him. I glide down to meet the two boys.

"You two get out of here now. It's not safe for you to stay! This one is different from the rest."

I try my hardest to persuade them to leave, but as your family does, they insist they must stay. We are too deep into a stupid fight that we don't realise the titan is pushing himself back up. He's weak, and is slowly running out of energy. Maybe we can take him down if we all work together. Luckily, we manage to get away onto a near by roof top, and watch as the beast rises to his feet.

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