Chapter 6

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Mari's POV
"Mari, get up!" I sit up fast looking around confused as Melanie laughed her ass off.

"God Mel, don't do that to me! What time is it?" I ask sleepily laying my head back down on my pillow.

"8:30," She said smoothly. That's Melanie for you. She's always been an early riser, and I don't know how.

"Why so early?" I ask slowly drifting back to sleep.

"Because it's Saturday and the mall opens at 9," As soon as she said mall I shot up, and looked at her.

"Shopping?" I asked in a stupid voice.

"Shopping." She replied with a voice sounding equally stupid.

We burst out laughing as I got up to get ready. Melanie had already gotten dressed. I guess it's a good thing I let her have one of my drawers in case we have an unplanned sleepover.

I got dressed and decided to write a note for my mom. I quickly scribbled something down and stuck it on my mirror. Mel and I ran downstairs, and I grabbed my purse. We hoped in my car and drove off to the mall.

David's POV
*After school Josh, Matt and David played about 6 hours of video games, and everyone eventually headed home*

Josh, Matt and I decided we would meet up with each other at the mall today and see if the Game Stop has anything new.

*time skip already cause its midnight in real life and I'm tired/lazy*

"Matthew! Joshua!" I said as I saw them talking outside the mall entrance.

"Hey David," Matt said as I walked up and we made our way to the store. We were talking about some new games and movies we were looking forward to when I saw Mari and that Melanie girl from yesterday walk into Hot Topic. I wanted to go say hi, but then I remembered that I came here with Matt and Joshua. So instead I just followed the guys through the giant mall to the Game Stop. We were looking around for a bit when I heard a familiar voice, that had been stuck in my head since school yesterday.

"Come on Mel, just a quick look,"

"Oh please. Mari, when you say 'Just a quick look' it means 'I'm totally buying everything in here'." Melanie said with a laugh. "I'll be in Forever 21 if you need me," she said walking away.

"Yeah yeah," Mari replied walking in the store. She immediately walked over to the PS4 games and started looking through the FPS games. I knew right away I needed to get to know her more. Only problem was Josh and Matt. I could tell they didn't really like Mari by the way they acted yesterday. I looked around to try and find the guys but I couldn't find them anywhere. So, I decided now was my chance to go talk to her again.

"Hey Mari,"

Mari's POV
"Hey Mari," someone spoke softly. I turned around to see David standing behind me. I instantly got butterflies... Wait! Butterflies? What?

"Hey David. You here to get the new Battlefront?" I asked casually.

"Yea, I've been waiting for this for years!"

"Same! So, did you come here alone?" I asked.

"Nah, me, Matt, and Joshua decided to meet up here today. How about you?"

"Melanie," I replied as we grabbed the last 2 copies of the game and headed for the check out.

"Hey, maybe you, Melanie, me, and the guys could all go get a bite to eat. I'm kinda hungry." He said sweetly.

"I don't know... I don't think the guys like me very much..." I said shyly paying for the game. I felt bad for what I did last year, I just didn't know how to tell them.

"It's cool. I can talk to them for you. Food court in an hour?" He said walking away.

"Sure," I said with a slight laugh. "See you in an hour," I said as I walked down to Forever 21 to tell Mel about our new lunch plans.

Matt's POV (thats new :P)
I saw Mari walk into Game Stop and I knew David would go talk to her, so I took this as an opportunity to get out of there.

"Psst, Joshua... Wanna get outta here?" I asked him quietly. He grinned but then his adorable smile dropped.

"What about David?" He asked, afraid of him finding out.

"He's fine. He's going up to talk to Mari so we're fine. Come on," I said as I grabbed his hand and we ran out when David wasn't looking.

We ran out of the mall and down to "our spot". It was on a rock at the top of a hill overlooking a waterfall. I remember I would always come here when I was having family problems and lets just say I came here a lot. We made our way up the rock and sat down. I always loved it here, but even more so when Joshua was around. So here we sat, talking, kissing, and just taking it all in. That was, until David texted us.

Haha told you I'd be updating a story 2 days in a row :) I guess the twitter thing worked. I'm going keep this up so if I miss my deadline then message me on here or my twitter (CrazyMaddie02) until I update. Also, I had some requests for some Jovinki (cough cough @AnnabelleLYN_R5 :P) so there you guys go! Bye for now crazies!
~Mads ;)

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