Chapter 7

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David's POV
I watched Mari walk away and looked around for the guys. They must have gone to another store and didn't tell me so I just decide to text them in a group chat.

(Prepare for cringe worthy text speak)

D~ Hey guys, just wanted to let you know I made arrangements to have lunch with Mari and her friend Melanie. She would really like it for you to come. We are meeting up at the food court in an hour. Hope you come.

M~ Eh, idk bro. She was super rude to us last year with those popular kids...

D~ Well, she said she wanted to try to fix things so... Food court in an hour?

J~ I'm in, hbu Matt?

M~ Why not. Its food. C u in an hour

I turned off my phone and decided to go get a coffee from Starbucks.

* * * One Hour Later * * *

Mari's POV
I walked into the food court arms linked with Melanie, looking for David.

"There they are, you ready?" Melanie said. I looked to my right and saw Matt, David, and Joshua all at table already.

"As ready as I will ever be," I said as we walked over to the table.

"Hey guys," Melanie said as we set our bags on the floor and sat down. I smiled, hoping to get along with the guys. For a while Melanie tried to talk to the guys but it didn't really work.

"Look guys, I'm sorry for not standing up for you last year ok? It wasn't right and I didn't know what I was doing. I got a taste of being 'Popular' alright and it sucked! I couldn't be myself and I had Courtney, Olivia, and their bitchy boyfriends telling me what to do, where to go, and who to talk to. I got sick of it! I'm not friends with them anymore and I don't want to be friends with them anymore! So can we please just forget last year and start over!?" I stated. I breathed heavily since I sort of did that in one breath. It was silent till Joshua broke the silence.

"I guess it wasn't really you who bullied us last year..."

"Can we just start over? Please?" I ask quietly. The guys look over at me and smile.

"Yeah, I guess we can," Josh said, and I smiled.

3rd Person POV
The 5 of them continued to talk about all kinds of things. After the girls got their food, the group decided to go back to David's and play countless video games, including the new Battlefront. Around midnight, Melanie left, leaving Mari and the 3 guys to play video games all night till they crashed.

HEELLLLOOOOO EVERYBODY!!!! I am soooooo sorry its been so long since I've updated this story. I had major writers block, plus my parents have me craming for finals if I want to go to TATINOF on Wednesday. I know this chapter was super short, but now I have the group together so I write what Ive wanted to write for sooo long! But yeah this was just a filler chapter so I can have the crew as friends again :) Thank you so much for 3.28K reads! Thats almost 3,280 people who have read this story! THAT'S INSANE! Thank you for all of the reads, votes, and comments! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! Let me know what you want to see happen next in the comments down below! (Good god I sound like a youtuber XD)
See y'all later!
~Mads ;)

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