Chapter 2: Finding out the truth

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After i get out of the bathroom to go home i ran so fast it would of felt like i tore a muscle. Then next minute i know i hear someone calling my name with that same deep voice and accent so i knew who it was. I kept running and running , "Imani! He kept on yelling i then notice he starts driving his car i hopped on my bike and was pedaling hard i knew since he is driving a Ferrari he was gonna catch up to me. He kept trying to get my attention but i kept riding then i felt his car bump me making me tip ober on my bike if i wouldve fell the other way i wouldve.broke my neck. 

He gets out his car and then i hurry up and start running real fast like i was getting chased by a killer than a teacher. Imani, Imani! He starts running and i try to make a short cut through the forest near our school but i felt strong arms wrap around me making me fall i kept using my fist to keep hitting his chest i was mad he never told me,how old he was. Alright im sorry i didn't know you were in highschool i thought you were 18! Well im only 16. I kissed you because i liked you and you're beautiful. And the crazy thing is that no matter how.old i know you're i cant stop how i felt towards you at the store when we first met. He thought i hated him and wanted to know if we were over. I feel the same way , okay for now on i will ask questions and not assume. Well im 16 and im in highschool. I stated. He cringed at the fact i said 16. What we can just keep it on the down low. "Yea well im 22 and i dont know you're 16 a minor a child. "You just said you felt the same way to me and stop calling me a child!" Alright and i still love you the same but can you stop running off like that you will draw attention to us i dnt want people to think im kidnapping kids, i mean teens." I then kiss him and then hurried up the hill to my bike. "You want to ride"? I then laugh cuz he asked uf i wanna ride then he relisrd what. he said. He starts laughing "Maybe when you're 18" I felt upset cuz he doesn't trust me to keep my mouth shut and for people to know that we fucked so i guess its understanding" 

So want to ride... In my drive you home. I couldnt stop laughing how hard he tried to make it not sound dirty. I hop in his car with my bike on the back of hhis seat. As usual he kept looking at me and was and was staring at my body my thighs and my breasts. So i purposely turned around to the back seat and had my butt up so he can look i had these sexy crop shorts that go into a jumper and it rounded my ass i saw him staring at my ass then he put his hands on my ass and squeezed. I pretended to be shocked and sat back down. So i put my hand on his knee and rubbed it back and forth and he just tensed up like i was about to do something to him , so i laughed. 

He came to my house and he said he was gonna text  you then we kissed. I went home and had alot to think about, just wow.

My sex ed teacher likes me?!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant