1: First Day

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Dan's POV

School was packed, as it should be, to be honest. I just found the principle's office as soon as I could to get my schedule and locker information and such.

After I left her office, though, I was lost, and needed help from someone. Nearby were these jocks in a group. Definitely not them.

Then there were these hot girls in a group, but they're probably way too out of my league. Damn.

Then there were these nerdy, geeky guys in a group. No.

It's like this school is divided into groups or something!

Then there were the goths, who seemed to be jamming out to Marilyn Manson. Nope.

There were other groups, but I couldn't be bothered, and then there was just regular kids.

And then there were these three guys and a cute girl, walking away from what looked like another group that either seemed to be punk or emo.

The three guys and the girl, though. I could ask one of them.

The one was a blonde guy, one guy was a brunette with curly hair, the girl was a brunette with blue streaks and short hair and she was really really fucking pretty, and then there was the last boy.

He had jet black hair and bright fucking rainbow shoes. He was wearing a blue shirt with a rainbow and something else on it, and black skinny jeans. His hair was straightened but messy and he looked like he couldn't hurt a fly.

I slowly walked over to the odd group with my stuff.

"Hi, can you help me out?" I asked, approaching them slowly. They all looked right at me.

Rainbow boy grinned and nodded. The other's shook their heads at him.

"Hi, what's your name?" The boy asked cheerfully. I chuckled at his cheerfulness. "I'm Phil!"

"I'm Dan," I smiled, handing him my schedule. He looked it over.

"We have lots of the same classes together!" Phil exclaimed happily. I giggled. "Like our next class! And if you want I can show you around!" I nodded. "By the way, these are my friends, Chris, PJ, and Alice!"

I nodded and Phil grabbed my hand. "Come on!" He giggled.

I chuckled and let him take me and show me around school.


Hey guys! Here u go!

Btw Phil's shirt btw

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