Chapter One

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So Chapter One...Here goes nothing :)

Dedicated to werestep1 because she gave me my first comment! Thanks a ton <3 follow her too! xx

Comment, Fan and Vote please!!


Max's POV (Point Of View for those of you who may be confused)

***3 Years Ago***

I stood there in front of my parents, heart beating a hundred miles an hour, hands sweaty as they twisted in my pockets and my gaze towards the floor not having the courage to look at them.

"Mum, Dad, you know when I was 10 and I accidentally broke the lamp in my room with my football and I was so scared that I tried to hide it but hurt myself picking up the glass?" I said quietly.

"Yes, what about it? And look at us and speak up, we can't hear you when you mumble Maximus", Dad stated, a little annoyed.

I stayed silent for a while, not really knowing how to say what I wanted to.

"Well get on with it Max, we don't have all day!" Mum added impatiently.

I hesitated for a further couple of seconds before clearing my very dry throat. "Well you know you said not to try and hide anything again because you'd find out anyway?" I didn't wait for them to reply. "Well I have something really important to tell you that I've been hiding from you for a year"

"What? What is it, Max? You haven't got some girl pregnant have you?!" Mum said horrified, always jumping to stupid conclusions.

"What?! No! God No, I'm only13!" I mumbled the next bit to myself. "It's really quite the opposite actually."

"Huh? Say it louder-I just told you not to mumble Maximus", Dad said.

"Fine! You wanna know? I'm gay! Your only son is fucking gay! You happy?!" I exclaimed abruptly.

Mum looked so shocked, holding her hand over her chest as if someone has stabbed her-gosh, dramatic much?

Dad just stood there fuming. "What? What do you mean you're gay?!"

"Exactly what I mean. I can't help it, I've always been like this. I didn't expect you to be over the moon but you could at least say something helpful," I said back.

"What? You expect us to be supportive of you? Wow, you have a lot to learn-too bad you won't be here for us to teach you," he spat angrily. I swear if he spat anymore he'd be foaming at the mouth!

"What do you mean I won't be here? You-you're not going to kill me are you?" I asked horrified.

"No, of course not, although it wouldn't be such a bad idea" he said thoughtfully.

"How can you even say that? I'm your son!" I shouted.

"No you're not, not anymore. I'm kicking you out-I don't need your faggot ass in this house for people to talk and for me to have to look at you so GET OUT!" he bellowed.

"Bu-but where am I supposed to go? Mum?" I noticed she hadn't said anything.

"I'm sorry Maximus but I-we don't want you here" she sobbed.

The fact that she said Maximus told me what I needed to know-she never called me by my full name, only Dad did.

"Fine, if that's what you want then I'll go! Fuck you both! I hate you!" I screamed as I went towards the door.

"Don't worry, we hate you too! Oh, we'll send your stuff over-or maybe we'll burn them. I don't want any reminders of your slutty arse in this house anymore, you FAG!" Dad screamed.

That's what hurt a lot-the fact that I hadn't asked to be this way and it wasn't my fault, I just was. I went outside in the rain-or was it my tears?-and ran to the only house where I knew I would be protected and loved. Scott's house.

As I ran up to the door, I rapidly knocked on the door wanting to be held and out of the rain-it was making me feel even worse. When no-one opened the door after 5 seconds, I knocked again, praying someone was in, I couldn't be rejected again, I wouldn't.

"I'm coming! Hold your horses!" I heard Tom's, Scott's dad, voice from inside.

"Max, what're you doing out here in this weather? Are you ok-" He only managed that as I zoomed past him up to Scott's room.

I burst into his room and saw him sitting on his bed. Before he even got the chance to say his usual greeting 'alright?', he saw my face and knew I wasn't. So I just flung my arms around him, in turn pushing him down on the bed and sobbed into his chest, not letting go.


Ok, I know it's sad but it'll get better!

Comments, fans and votes appreciated greatly!

Also because it's my first book, only constructive criticism please-I'm new to this!

Can I have 5 votes before I next upload please??


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