Chapter Two

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Hello again! Ok so I got a better turn out that I expected-over 300 reads (love you guys!)-let's just hope you guys keep reading, commenting, voting and fanning!

Oh and add the book to your library if you want your profile to come under the 'Who's Reading' section pleeeeease! :D

Dedicated to @PTVwhileSWS because she made me the amazing cover and I think you should go fan her! Thank you darling-love you! <3

Words in italics are Max's thoughts :)

Anyways on with the story-enjoy! xx


***Present Time***

Max's POV

"Max! Max! Wake up! MAX!!" I heard someone shout from outside my room. Well, not really my room, the spare room.

Ugh, why can't everyone just leave me alone?! Oh wait, my parents already did.

"Max, I swear, if you don't open your door right now, I'm going to kick it in! I'm not kidding!" Scott yelled.

"Alright, alright I'm coming! Jesus, just wake up the whole neighbourhood, why don't you?!" I said annoyed.

I got up to open the door, letting Scott in and closing it straight away, not wanting his parents to wake up and ask what was going on. I gestured to my bed with my hand and he sat down, I did too.

"I'm sorry, I could hear you shouting and moving around the bed-I got scared something had happened! You had another flashback didn't you?! I told you to come call me if that happened!" He said, worried.

"Yes, I did, but I've had so many that I'm used to them and don't care anymore!" I quickly glanced at the clock, "And it's almost 4:30 in the morning! You could have just come in the morning-now my sleep's ruined!" I snapped.

"Ok, I know you're not a morning person, but I was worried! And that's the thing, you shouldn't be used to them! Do you not remember what I told you after you left home?!"

He doesn't like saying 'after they threw you out', he prefers to think of it like I had a choice, yeah right.

***4 Years Ago (Continued)***

I just laid there on top of my best friend in the whole world, just crying my eyes out. No not crying, bawling. Bawling so hard that I was choking on my own sobs. Bawling so hard that I couldn't breathe properly. Bawling so hard that I didn't even notice how much time had flown by. I must have been crying for at least an hour, the only thoughts going through my head were the ones of my pare-well, the people who I've lived with until now and how they had just thrown me out.

And the worst part was that they had felt no guilt, no remorse and that's what hurt most.

If they weren't going to think of me as their son then they were no longer my parents. This thought just made me cry more and I just held on to Scott tighter. Oh God, I was probably squishing Scott's bones-he wasn't exactly the bulkiest guy I knew-actually he was the skinniest.

I lifted my head up off his white shirt which was now soaked through. I felt the wetness around my eyes from my tears and sank back down on his shirt, feeling the cold from the still wet, still present tears coming from my eyes and trickling slowly down the side of my face onto his shirt.

"Hey, Max," he whispered quietly, trying to comfort me with his voice "you finally tell them about you being gay?"

"Obviously" I snapped, I don't need him to go on about it! "Why else would I be here crying my fucking eyes out? Because I lost a bloody teddy or something?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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