Chapter 2- The First Meeting

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"MANDA, WAKE UP! YOU'RE LATE!" With this, my dad gave me a beautiful good morning.

Groaning, I stood up to look at the clock. He was right. It was already 6:40! And classes start at 7:30!

"Dad! It's your fault I'm gonna be late!" I huffed before running to the bathroom.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I was really tired from the moving yesterday, so the alarm didn't wake me up." He said, looking at me with cute puppy eyes.


As quickly as my body let me, I bathed and got dressed. Yesterday, I had chosen my outfit for today before going to sleep, since it was a very important day. My looks consisted of a black t-shirt with the embedded white words "She has that certain je ne se quoi" on the front, white skinny jeans and a pair of silver converse. My olive skin looked better in black so that's what I usually wear. Also, I don't know how to apply makeup, mainly because I never had a mom to show me how and wasn't in the mood to learn, so I don't use any. My hair is very short, just over my shoulders, and very curly. It has the exact same color as my eyes; dark chocolate brown. I would not say that I was ugly; I was certainly fairly pretty (don't look at me, it's not bad to admit that you're hot ), but I have never been in a relationship. That didn't matter to me, thought. I was focused on my academical progress. I haven't even fallen in love yet!
Anyway, I sprinted through the stairs and into the kitchen, were my dad is waiting for me with breakfast. It look really delicious; pancakes with syrup and bacon; my favorite.

"It all looks amazing dad, but I can't stay to eat it. If I do, I'll definitely be late to my fist day of school, and that will not happen."

He looked at me with eyes full of guiltiness and... something else that I couldn't desifer. Slowly nodding, he lifted his head to give me a small grin and kissed my forehead.

"Have a great first day, sweetie. Know how to get to school?"

"Yeah, I already memorized it."

"That's my girl. Bye bye."

I was about to grab a package of cookies, but right then, a light bulb turned on in my head. I took a pancake and splashed it with syrup, then filled it with all the bacon and folded it like a burrito. I ate it in three bites.

"Happy?" I asked my dad with my mouth full, knowing that he wanted me to eat a proper breakfast.

"Close enough." He laughed, and that made me smile.

Looking at the clock, my expression turned from a smirk into a frown.

"Dad, the clock says it's 6:20."

He smiled a mischievous grin, and I understood.


I was furious! How could he take my first day so lightly?

"Hahahahaha! I just thought I'll help you loosen up a little. It's nothing, just changed the hour in your phone. Hahahahaha! You should have seen your face! PRICELESS!"

I could not believe my dad.

Well, after I properly ate my food, waiting for it to be at least closer to my departing hour (6:50, since classes start at 7:30, it was a 15 min walk and I had to speak to the principal).
With all the fuss about been late and then been too early, I totally forgot about the book. It was still in the same spot that I left it yesterday. Looking at the clock, I still had 10 min until I needed to go.
Deciding, I went to my room, locking the door behind me. The book probably sensed my presence, because it started shaking madly. Amanda! What took you so long?! You need to open me NOW! Or else, it will be too late!

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