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Marks pov

I threw my hand to my butt pocket but then realized they were both empty except for the picture of (y/n). I suddenly remembered that I had left my phone back at Marzia's family's house.

"Dammit" I muttered and looked at the three girls who were looking at me with curious looks.
"I suppose you guys got a phone?" I asked and the hyper one jumped forwards

"You can use mine Mark!" She smiled happily and pulled out an iPhone 6. I grabbed it quickly and remembered that I had completely forgotten her number after I blocked it.
I sealed my eyes shut trying to remember her but I couldn't. I calmly handed Cassie's phone back. I knew all I had to do was call the police but I knew what she was doing. She would do what she had to in order to get me back, even though she never had me in the first place. I stood up making everyone glance at me

"Is my uber here? I really have to get back home" I said and Sammy looked at the time on Cassie's phone.

"You can wait outside if you would like. It might make you feel more comfortable to get some fresh air. Plus I don't know if it's the blanket but your sweating like a dog" Sammy said and I quickly stood up.

"Thank you guys so so much" I couldn't help but smile at the group who were laughing

"We should be thanking you!" Zoe said and hugged me making Cassie join in and then Sammy. I knew it was weird but these were fans who might have just saved the love of my life. I knew I had nothing so I started walking to the door when Zoe stopped me. She grabbed a rainbow umbrella that was set by the door. I recognized it as the one they had earlier.

"It's stilling raining pretty hard out there. Your gonna need this, it's the least we can do" she gave me an unsure smile, I could tell she thought she hadn't really helped me an anyway

"You've already helped enough" I gave her a smile. The others were soon standing behind her.
"Bye bye!" I said like I usually do in my videos. Cassie squealed to herself and the others laughed as I closed the door. I sighed and look at the rain. Then I took off running.

You could say I was pissed off but that would be an understatement. I felt bad for the cab driver but at least he didn't drive over here to see that I'm completely broke with no money to pay him. I felt the adrenaline pump through my legs as I ran. I know that all my clothes were soaked, along with the picture in my back pocket but I didn't care. My mind was hazy. My world was spinning around. It felt like I was getting chased but I knew I wasn't. The umbrella's strap was loosely around my wrist, barely hanging on. Halfway through the rain I stopped running. I sat on a wooden bench and plopped the umbrella beside me, so that when I opened it the umbrella part was over my head but I don't have to hold it. I stared at the street sign across from where I was sitting.
I should have known.
God I hope she hasn't hurt (y/n). No,no she wouldn't...would she? I didn't know what time it was but I know it was late because the street lights set blared through the fogy streets. The fog was probably made from the rain around my glasses. I heard the honk of a horn and I looked into the streets
'Please don't be some murderer, I don't feel like getting up to fight you off at the moment'

"Fischbach! What are you doing in the cold rain?! Get your butt in the car" a Swedish voice yelled and i smiled. Standing up and untying my umbrella I walked to the rental car that Felix bought and got into the passenger side

"Where have you been? We thought you were dead or something" Felix said and started driving away from the park bench

"I didn't have my wallet or phone" I muttered staring out the window, pondering  if I should tell him who it is or not. I suppose I should but I really don't want to get him into all this crap.

"Oh yeah! I brought your phone with me, here" he pulled it out of a thing under the radio. He handed it to me and I smiled.

"Thanks" I muttered and I looked at my messages. I seen one from bob over text

"Hey mark, have you seen Sean? We've been asking him to play a new game on gmod for 3 days now, me and wade are kinda worried."
The next one was from wade
"Hey mark, I don't know what's up with Sean but he hasn't answered text messages, calls on phone, Skype, or basically anything. We're kinda worried"
The next one was from bob again
"Are you gone too?"
The ones after that were Felix
"Hey mark you good?"
"Oh wait I see your phone"
"Now I have your phone, that's why your not texting back"
"Wait, why am I still texting you..."
I rolled my eyes and relied to bob and wade.
"Nope, haven't heard from him. Maybe he's visiting family? I dunno" I sent to both of them. I was worried about jack myself. I had to much on my shoulders already though...gosh I could go for a back massage right now. Felix gave me a concerned look

"You okay there marki-moo-moo" he said and I looked at him carefully.

"Have you heard from jack? Bob and wade are kinda being paranoid" I asked and he looked down and shook his head

"Nope, other than the phone call your getting from him at the moment" he said and I looked down at my phone. Sure enough the words
  🌚Booper Dooper🌝
We're lit up on my phone. I pressed the answer button and put the phone up to my ear.

"M-Mark?" A raspy and very quiet Irish voice whispered through the phone

"Jack,man are you oka-" I was cut off by his voice

"I don't have much time, the service is really bad down here. I'm in a basement, (y-y/n) is here to." He made sure to stay quiet

"WHAT?!" I screamed and Felix slammed on the breaks giving me a glare

"Javla vita" he muttered and kept driving.

"I would let you talk to her but she's unconscious, don't worry she's okay! O-oh no I really have to go...please find u-" the phone call ended. I glared at the umbrella in my hands.

"Stop the car" i said and Felix looked at me nervously
"NOW" I yelled and he slammed on the breaks again. I got out of the car and threw the umbrella. I had to take my anger out on something. It flew into some trees and I covered my face and fell to the ground. I let out a gross sobbing noise as the rain fell down on me. I took a few moments before looking up, wiping my eyes (even though the rain was still on me) and stared at the ground.
You didn't separate me and (y/n) last time and you WONT do it this time...Aimee.
poor baby markipoo and WHAT THZ HZCKS

Mycrush: Senpailovescake
Instagram: http_spoopy
Snap chat: HomeSliceOfPi

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