Will Lost

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Salt was right about one thing, we would have never found the island on our own. O'Connors might have been many things, but he wasn't an idiot. The island is almost always shrouded in a dark fog, making it very difficult to see anything at all. It is an area that most captains avoid because of all the rocks and shallows that dot the area, completely invisible until it is too late. For O'Connors to not only sail inside, but also find an island to make a base without running aground on said island was a miracle. And a damn shame. As it was, we nearly ran aground ourselves a couple times in the pea soup fog. Salt is definitely not a navigator. Finally, after a very tense hour of slow sailing, the lookout gives a cry.
"Ships captain! Two of them, off the port bow! Looks like the Wasp and Black Jewel sir!"
I peer out into the mist, and am just barley able to make out the two silhouettes. It is still dark, early morning. We had decided that an attack in the darkness would fit our purpose best, when they were sleepy and unaware, and the fog was at its strongest. The Dauntless slowly creeps up on its two victims. I have no doubt it would be a savage fight, but my ship had been through worst.
"Run out the guns," I order in a whisper. All along the rail my order is repeated, and the forty two cannons are primed and ready for combat.
"Now captain?" Amos asks next to me.
"Not yet," I say, judging the angles between our ships.
"They are pretty close now," Ann comments nervously.
"A little longer," I mutter. Suddenly, panicked shouting echoes out from the nearest ship.
"They've spotted us!" Amos announces.
"Now!" I yell, "Fire!" The roar of cannons is instant, a broadside fired from both sides of Dauntless. The timing is perfect, telling crushing blows on both ships. And it had to be perfect, because one broadside is all we were going to get. Dauntless is already slipping in between the two ships, preventing us from firing another. But it is perfect for boarding, and that exactly what we do. The plan had already been laid out, I would lead the charge aboard Wasp, and Amos has the Black Jewel. Despite her protests, Ann would retain control of Dauntless, in case something unexpected happened.
As soon as I can, I grab a rope, and swing aboard Dauntless's sister ship. I draw a pistol, fire at the first man I see, then drop it in favor of my sabre. I vaguely notice Benedict and Smitty behind, hacking their way through anyone I leave. I don't leave much. I slash my way across the deck, probably looking very similar to Mad Ben. I fight all the way to the quarter deck, where I know O'Connors awaits. I'm not disappointed, and I soon lay eyes on the greasy captain.
"It be about time ya found me," O'Connors calls out.
"It was just a matter of finding your little snake hole," I reply, lunging at the captain. There is no more conversation, just the sound of steel on steel. Our blows ring out across the deck, our feet dancing around each other in a deathly dance I had mastered. O'Connors is good, very good. He had been taught by Ben after all. But he is also lazy, and obviously hadn't paid as close attention to his lessons while cabin boy. It isn't long before he slips up, and I take advantage immediately. He stumbles just a bit, swinging his arm out to regain his balance. I take a swipe at him, leaving a long cut down his fore arm. He falls back, and I deliver a two handed blow against his sword, knocking is out of his hand and onto the deck. Without a second thought, I bring my sword up and run the pirate captain through.
"You should have just left well enough alone," I tell the dying captain. I'm not sure what I expected the captain to do after that, but laugh definitely wasn't it.
"You think you've won don't you?" O'Connors spits at me, blood dripping from his mouth, "you think you've beaten me? Well guess what whelp, you're wrong. See, he gave me a chance, a chance for revenge."
"Who?" I demand.
"The Hook!" O'Connors laughs, "the one hand man! The dog from the depths of hell!"
"You're talking nonsense!" I say.
"You stole that ship from me five years ago," O'Connors continues, "but now I'm going to steal something far more precious." I start to say something back, but then I realize he is no longer looking at me. He is looking at something behind me. I turn around, and stare into the mist. The sun is just starting to rise, reflecting off the water, making it look like it is a flame. I can just barely make out a shape. It takes me a minute to identify it, and by the time I do, it is too late. The trap had been sprung, and I watch in horror as a British frigate slides out of the mist, close enough for me to read its name. Wrath Of Ares.
"Everyone back to the Dauntless!" I scream, running across the deck back to my ship. Before I make it ten feet, the frigate opens up with a rolling broadside, hitting all three ships. Obviously, whoever is commanding her has little regard for their allies. I sprint back to my ship, all thoughts of the dying pirate and his doomed ship forgotten. My only thoughts is of the Dauntless, and how to save her. I leap over the rail, landing lightly on the deck and sprinting to the helm. Amos had come to the same conclusion as I had, and pirates from both ships hurry to evacuate.
"Run out all the sails you can!" I order, "cut loose the lines! We've got to out run her!" I look behind me. Dauntless is rapidly parting from the two doomed ships, which are now blocking the path of the frigate.
"Ok, Ann, I need you to-" I stop short, realizing for the first time that she is no where in sight. I look around me, desperately searching for her.
"Amos!" I call out, "where is Ann?"
"I saw here climb aboard the Black Jewel!" I hear Strider yell from his station, "is she not here?"
I just stand there, staring at the mercenary as his words sink into my head. Ann disobeyed my orders. She went aboard the Black Jewel to fight. And she didn't come back.
"Turn the ship around," I say quietly, my mind still coming to grips with what had happened. Amos looks at me helplessly.
"But sir-"
"TURN THE GOD DAMN SHIP AROUND!!!" I roar at him, and run the back rail yelling desperately.
"Ann! Ann can you hear me!?" I yell. The Dauntless slowly begins to turn, and hope begins to blossom. But then it is shattered but a second broadside from Wrath of Ares. Whether it was aimed at us or not is immaterial. Her cannon shots take the ship straight in the gut, and Black Jewel explodes in a fireball.
"ANN!!!" I scream. But to call it a simple scream doesn't convey the sound I make that day. It is more like the cry of a wounded beast, clawing desperately with a mortal wound. Something that doesn't kill instantly, but insures death all the same. A death more painful than anyone could imagine. I stare at the burning wreckage for a long time, knowing what it means but unable to accept it. I slowly turn, and walk down the deck, right up to wear Salt sits, still chained to the boards.
"This is your fault," I snarl, "you led us into a trap."
"No, no please!" He begs. I draw my sword, and kill him before he can say another word. I hack and slash at him, tearing the body, screaming bloody murder at the top of my lungs until you could no longer tell he had ever been a man. Then my screams turn to sobs, and I collapse to the deck, defeated, empty, devoid of any hope or will to continue on. Ann is dead, and there was nothing I could do to save her.

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