Chapter 1.

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It started when we were younger you were mine....

Moka Love White.

"Here put your lips like this." A fourteen year old Moka spoke to her best friend, fifteen year old Si'yere.

"I know what I'm doing Moka." He frowned, kind of insulted that Moka is even trying to coach him through something she never done before.

Moka furrowed her eyebrows. "Then do it." She orders. "Hurry before my mom comes out her room."

Sighing, Si'yere casually leaned forward and placed his lips on Moka's. Completely caught off gaurd, Moka crossed her eyes to get a good look at Si'yere. He parted her lips as they kissed and Moka followed his lead. Si'yere mentally counted to ten before pulling away from the kiss.

"There." He says.

Moka stood there completely dumbfounded. She looked away from Si'yere and gently placed her hand on her lips. Her stomach fluttered as she tried to grasp the fact that she shared her first kiss with her best friend. Someone who was way more advanced then she was when it came to the opposite sex. Being fifteen, Si'yere was going through puberty. His facial hair was starting to grow, His voice was starting to deepen and most of all, he was becoming more attracted to the opposite sex.

Moka looked over at Si'yere from the corner of her eye before pushing him.

"What was that for?" He asked with his face frowned.

"Because you're ugly." Moka smartly replies before walking out of the kitchen, a faint smirk on her face. Si'yere watched her walk out silently mouthing 'What the hell is that suppose to mean?' to himself before walking behind her.

I sat at the vanity staring back at myself. Absentmindedly running my fingertips across my lips. Chuckling to myself, I looked down causually shaking my head. We were so young. My first kiss. My best friend. After movin to California after I got casted for America's Next Top Model, which I was first runner up to the winner, I lost touch with him. I see he's doing big things as well. He's been doing really good movies that he even won a few Academy Awards for them. I was proud of Si'yere. More than anything.

"Hey Moka." The set director peacked her head in the door. "We're ready for you."

I nodded my head and pushed myself away from the vanity. I moved a loose strand of hair out my face and tightened the knot of my robe before walking out of the dressing room. All eyes were on my as I stepped on set. The photographer greeted me and shook my hand before I took my mark. I removed my robe and handed it to an intern since she wasn't doing anything else. My makeup artist dabbed more makeup on my face as I fixed the lace panties that I wore. I was doing an advertisement for Leigh's up and coming Sensual September fashion show before her release.

I met Leigh on America's Next Top Model. She and I clicked instantly and although we were both in competition with eachother, we never let that destroy our friendship. Not once have she and I down talked the other just because one did good on a photo and the other didnt. We weren't those kind of people. We kicked it on and off the camera and often divided ourselves from the others. Not because we were stuck up or anything, but because we just were not here for their fakeness.

Long story short, she got voted off from the top five and we've still been friends ever since. She never gave up her dreams and she made a living off of it. She created a underwear line that in my opinion was super cute. She asked me if I wanted to be the face of it and of course I didn't turn it down. I was more than happy to work with someone who became more than just a friend to me. She was my best friend and my sister.

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