Chapter 2.

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Moka Love White.

My hands were sweaty as I took in a deep breath. Tonight was the night of the Sensual September line and I was nervous and excited. I didn't know who all was here and quiet frankly part of me cared and part of me didn't I wasn't doing this for them. I was doing this for Leigh. Leigh was running around like a mad woman making sure everything was perfect. She was doing so good and at the last minute she decides to freak out, which causes me to freak out, which makes all the other models freak out and well, you get where I'm going.

"Okay ladies places!" our director yelled over the chatter. The girls got in single file and I stood off. I was going to be the last one, since I am the face of this brand. Soon, she began marking off the girls as they walked from backstage onto the runway. I was pretty nervous. My cousin Bejean finally got a chance to come which was a really big thing for me. He and I have been close since I don't know when. He was literally my favorite cousin and I wanted to make him proud of me just like he's been making me proud with his big success with his YouTube channel. I peaked out onto the runway careful not to be spotted by anybody. It was so packed, there were even people standing.

"Okay Moka you're next." She spoke to me. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I said a silent prayer asking God to please let this run smoothly. Don't let me fall, and don't let me embarass myself. Finally feeling myself in my zone, I stood upright and shook the jitters away. The director did a quick count off and by the time she got to one I was already on the stage. Strutting without a care in the world. The runway was my sidewalk. The people staring in awe were just typical passer byers. I got to the end of the catwalk and stopped. Placed one hand on my hip, half turned before turning the other way. I smiled at the cameras and seductively turned around making my way back to  the back. Then the chaos happened. Costume change. I rushed as fast as I could to take off the garment I had and pulling on the one I needed. Hair and make-up quickly adjusted my hair and make-up before sending me on my way. And I was on the runway again. Stepping off the girls and I then got ready for the finale. Switching our lineup around so I was first, our director gave us the go ahead as we all walked on stage clapping. I threw a quick wave at Jabari as I heard him and his over exaggerated "YAAS". We stopped and a Glowing Leigh walked on stage, microphone in hand. She looked absolutely gorgeous in her bodycon black jumpsuit and red fringe heels. Her hair was bone straight and slicked back. Make-up very minimal but she was wearing some.

"Thank you guys so much for coming out tonight." She says. "It wouldn't have been such a success if it weren't for you all. Really, I thank you. It was hard trying to come up with a good line this time around without being too cliche. I feel like I nailed it dontcha think?"

The crowd cheered her on in response. She giggled and looked over at me.

"I've come a long way and only one person knows how close I came to giving everything up." She smiles at me and I smile back. "Moka, The face of my line. She's help me get through everything from beginning to now. Thank you so much Mok."

I blew a kiss her away and she then turned to finish her speech. Once she was done, we all walked off stage and I hugged her tightly.

"This was amazing!" I tell her.

"And it was all because of you." She smiles. "Thank you so much Moka."

"It has nothing to do with me." I reply. "This was your vision."

"Yeah but you helped me bring it to life." She says again. "You're really a best friend."

I smiled at her and yet again we hugged it out.

"YAAAASSSS!" I knew that voice from anywhere. "Bitch you slayed the hell outta that runway lookatchu!" Jabari came and hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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