Chapter Twelve.

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I cried out loud- it hurt so much worse than I expected it to. I wish there was a strong enough alcohol to numb this pain. But there's nothing that can save me at this point, I'm a hot mess, laying on this warehouse bedroom floor, crying my eyes out over a guy I should have never trusted. Mind you, he's still slamming his fist repeatedly on the door behind me, I chose to ignore it, I don't have the strength to face him right now.

"Pathetic, aren't you?" I hear a familiar haunting voice and I look up, she's still wearing the same clothes from that night. I notice the blood is still stained in them and I cringe, I really don't like seeing her like this.

"Look, I know I deserve every little taunt and remark I get from you but just for tonight, could you leave me alone?" I ask- my face still wet with tears. She looks like she was contemplating an answer and for a second I thought she was actually going to be nice and leave me alone, but she soon contradicted my thoughts when she replied. "Ahh, no can do doll." She smirked.

I rolled my eyes, I'm irritated and I just want her to go away, weird that this has become so normal that I'm not even scared anymore.

"You're going to die alone, he doesn't love you and Cassandra will have him soon- it's all just a matter of time. I think you know that already but I just thought I would refresh your memory." I shut my eyes immediately, letting a few more tears fall down my cheeks. "GO AWAY!" I screamed the loudest I could.

Jack was still outside the door, I knew he would hear me but I didn't care anymore, when I opened my eyes she was gone. A sigh of relief fell from my lips and I stood up, remembering that the door was locked. I unlocked it and Jack came running in with no hesitation.

I wouldn't budge when he hugged me. I felt pretty helpless and I couldn't look in his eyes, I knew the moment I looked up into those beautiful brown eyes I would give in, I would forgive him and he doesn't deserve my forgiveness right now. I fell to the ground- bringing my knees to my chest, hugging them close to me. I feel like I'm all alone, which isn't true but that doesn't stop me from feeling this way.

"Baby I know I don't deserve it but I really need you to listen to me, please. I can't lose you." He whispered and his voice cracked, almost as if he was trying to hold back tears. I could not see him cry, it would kill me inside. I nodded my head, staring off into space- I can't seem to speak anymore.

"Cassandra came on to me, she came over to me while I was sitting down waiting for you to come down, she sat on my lap and when I told her to get off she clung to my neck, I was about to shove her off but then you saw us and well yeah." I look up and into his eyes, I was sick of this constant battle with myself so I finally gave in to what I wanted. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was telling the truth, my eyes scan his face for an emotion.

His eyes did the same before he grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me closer and our lips connected, I kissed back with the same amount of force, feeling the same fire I always felt in the pit of my stomach when it came to Jack.

We stood up not pulling away for a single second, this kiss wasn't like our others. It was rushed, it was passionate and all I wanted was his skin against mine. I jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist. He caught me and held me close, we fell back on to the bed. He sat up, disconnecting our lips- I was confused for a second and whined from the loss of contact.

He pulled his shirt up and over his head, I reached out and pulled him back down towards me. He kissed from my jawline down to my neck. My eyes fluttered closed as I began to slightly relax, Jack found my sweet spot and an uncontrollable moan erupted from my lips. I felt him smirk against the now clammy skin on my neck before he bit down once more.

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