Part XII

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I saw my brother.

I saw his wife and his grandchildren. My brother seemed scared and not sure of what was happening to him. I just looked at him and smiled. I have forgiven him, he knew not what he was doing, but he knew our pain. Hopefully someday, he will realize that what he did was save us. He held me those last moments. Up until my last breath he held me. In my last moments of life, i saw the sun. I felt its warmth. I couldnt breath and yet i was more alive in my death than in all my years of living. My brother gave me what i longed for all my life. He gave me a warm home.

Hopefully he will realize who he is, and forgive himself. For he was a brilliant doctor, maybe he will cure those of us that are left suffering.

Maybe someday someone will rise up, and find a cure to cure us all. From every ache, pain, tear, and broken heart, and bone we have ever felt.

But for now, I will watch over my dear brother. 

I love you, Mateo. I breathed out as I walked away from our once white picket fence. The home he now lives in. I guess deep down inside, he knows where he comes from. 

I look back and see my father laughing carrying my brother Mateo. I see Emmanuel and Chris wrestling and my mother laughing at the faces the boys do. And I see myself sitting on the porch steps with a book in my hands. I smile. 

How beautiful is life when you are healthy, is it not?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2013 ⏰

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