chapter 4

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It's been a week since Jacob said he was going to help me raise my child and already I look like I'm 8 months along and I feel huge, Jacob has moved me into his father's house.

"Bella, I'm home!" Jacob bellowed as he walked into the house and sat on the sofa lifting my feet and laying them in his lap. "Hey Jake." I said softly closing my eyes as I try and go back to sleep when I feel his warm hand on the cool skin of my showing belly and then my thin cheeks and whispers "have you aten?" I nodded and his dad laughed as he rolled into the room "or she tried to." Billy said with a smile but he looked worried as did Jake.

Jake leanned over and I knew what he wanted as his lips hovered over mine and I moved slightly closer before turning my head without our lips touching and I looked up to see him lean back with a hurt look. It hadn't been the first time he had tried to kiss me but I just wasn't ready and I wasn't sure if I would ever be ready.

________________________________later that night_______________________________

Jacob had went out again and hadn't come back for sometime. He had been gone for so long that I went to bed without saying good night to him as I normally do. I was just drifting off when I heard a loud bang and was being picked up by a very angry Jacob. "Why the hell didn't you tell me he was a blood sucker!" He yelled in my face before dropping me back down onto the bed on my back and stormming back out of the room and then back in with in seconds and I just laid there stunned and whispered "how did you find out?" "so you admite it's true!" Jake yelled "It's true Jake." makeing Jake open his mouth then close it in shock. "well Bells you surprise me. I thought I would have to yell at you for hours before you told me." I laughed and shruged it off and then slowly he walked out of the room and handed me a closed cup with a straw in it. "Try this it should help." and with that I didn't ask anything more I just drank the sweet drink and he gave me a slight smile. "We have til the child is bore to live here then me leave." He said then turned and left without another word.

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Edward left and I'm pregnet with his kidWhere stories live. Discover now