Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen


It was Friday. Not surprisingly, I found myself awake at the crack of dawn. By nine in the morning, I was counting down the seconds as I waited for the clinic to open so I could finally call and get my test results. As soon as the time rolled over, I picked up my phone before quickly putting it back down. There was no way I could call the clinic this early. How desperate would that look?

Rolling my eyes at myself, I got up and went to pour myself a bowl of cereal. Strolling across the room, I sat on the couch, picked up the remote and casually began flicking through channels, trying to find something to watch. Finally settling on one of the morning shows, I pretended to be interested as I chewed my cereal and tried to plan the perfect scenario for our big moment.

Anna was in school all day today; and we had our regular gig tonight. Tomorrow, during the day, would've been an option, but Fringe was scheduled to play at the fundraiser event being organized by Jessi's friends. That left Sunday.

Growling in frustration to myself, I shifted in my seat, stretching my feet out onto the leather ottoman. There was no way I was going to rush this with Anna. I'd waited forever to be with her, and this was her first time. One thing was for sure; all this anticipation was turning me into an incurable romantic. If we had to wait, then I wanted to pull out all the stops. I wanted this to be special—for both of us.

There was no reason to lie; I was as excited and nervous about it as she was. I'd never been in love with any of the girls I'd been with prior to her. Sure, I liked them just fine, but being in love with Anna made my need for her even stronger for some reason. This wasn't about quick gratification or having the casual convenience of having someone to slack my need. No, this was me planning for the future, my future; and Anna had always been the one starring in it.

Truthfully, I never really believed I'd get this chance. I wasn't about to blow it now. Already risking a lot to be with her, I needed to make sure everything went perfectly.

Finishing my cereal, I glanced at the clock. Nine fifteen. I sighed, wondering if it was still too early to call.

"Oh, hell. Just do it." I mumbled. What did I care if they thought I seemed overeager? I was. Glancing at the business card on the counter, I dialed the number.

"Downtown Seattle Health Clinic." A sweet feminine voice answered. "Ashley speaking. How can I help you?"

"Hi, my name is Caleb McCord. I came in last week to have some tests done. I was told I could call for the results today."

"I'm sorry, Mr. McCord. There was an equipment failure at the lab we sent out to last week. The problem has been fixed and they are trying to get everything back to us as quickly as possible. We are asking for our patients to please call back on Monday for their results."

You've got to be kidding me! Was the universe out to get me? It certainly felt that way. "Um, okay. Thank you anyway," I responded.

"I'm so sorry for the delay. Is there anything else I can help you with?" Ashley asked.

"No. That was it. Have a nice day."

"You too," she replied. I hung up the phone.

Well, damn. There went that plan. Next week was going to be a busy one for Anna too. She had a few finals and then she graduated on Friday. We'd even managed to get a replacement band for that night, so we could all attend her graduation.

That's it! I thought excitedly. We'd both have that night off. We could spend it together and sleep in on Saturday. That would also give me plenty of time to think of something nice to surprise her with. It was going to suck having to wait a whole week again; but I'd managed to go this long, surely I could control myself a little longer. Perfection was worth waiting for, right?

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