Chapter 11 sneak peek

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Shaun POV

(Three Weeks Later)

Waking up lately has been a struggle, I've grown accustom to the feeling of a real bed. I started working at Cincinnati's most notorious company; Maxwell Inc. It's been a life changing event to be around other people and getting along with this rather than how it was before when whenever I made eye contact with someone, I'd get beat. Sadly, I am still shy to my core and I don't talk much due to me always have been quiet in my old pack and majority of my life. I speak when spoken to, and be where I need to be whenever we have a full staff meeting.

It is currently 9:38 p.m. and I am cleaning the office of one of the IT guys. He is a junkie person, wrappers from candy bars all over his desk, chip bags and cans of soda. God, this guy is a slob, I'd hate to be his wife or boyfriend, I don't know. He just doesn't seem to be the neatest person in the world. I'd be surprised if he changes his underwear, or if he wears any at all. I shudder at the thought and quickly go back to cleaning the office so I can leave.

Putting the finishing touches on the office, I scurry out of the office and sigh in relief. Just a few more hours and I can leave and get back in my bed. I check the time on  my watch and see that it is currently 10:15. "Thank God!" I say out loud and look around checking if anyone heard my random outburst. I continue on to the next few offices and amazingly, finish before 11:30.

" No matter what you say or what you do, when I'm alone I'd rather be with you. F**k these other hittas, I'll be right by your side, 'till 3000 and 5, hold up", I sing to myself while packing up all of my stuff and exiting all of the building. I type in the alarm code and begin my walk home. I don't live that far away from the office, it's just a 15 minute walk.  Holding my shirt to my body, I walk calmly, yet, quickly to my apartment. Getting onto the elevator, I sigh and yawn. As the door opens, I walk out and go to my door, unlocking it and entering quickly.

 I lock the door and start stripping myself of clothes until I'm in my boxers.  I stumble into my room and and fall face first onto my bed. I sigh in relief as I remember that I do not have to go to work tomorrow as it is a weekend. I feel myself being pulled into the darkness and I accept it. Letting sleep conquer me..

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