People Change

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You loved me once
It was plain to see
The way you always
wanted to be with me

The way you touched me
And pulled my hair
whispered sweet words
and showed me you cared

the way you gripped my hand
so tight
And held me close
through out the night

The way you felt
When you were with me
alone at night
just you and me

But people change
all the time
even though
I was sure you were mine

You let me go
And now I stay
at home alone
without you all day

I long for your touch
and the way that you talk
Your smile, your laugh
all that i've lost

I see you around
from time to time
you never stop
or even say hi

The person I loved
no longer is mine
I wish I could go back
to a simpler time

When I was with you
I was happy you see
And I know you were too
when you were with me

But people change
And so did you
so why didn't I
Change too

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