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lili: hey, this is lili

yoongi: it's fucking 10 am why the fuck are you texting me i need my sleep"

lili: fucking chill gramps

yoongi: i told you not to call me that

{you have changed yoongi to gramps}

lili: and i'm not listening

gramps: ovb

lili: are you free today?

gramps: no

lili: around 1

gramps: i told u i'm not free and my shift starts at 2

lili: okay i'll pick you up

gramps: i never said i was going

lili: i know

gramps: you don't know where i live

lili: ...

gramps: LOLOL ADDRESS HERE *rolling eyes emoji*

{you have changed gramps to yoongi}

yoongi: now leave me alone and let me sleep

lili: okay gramps

yoongi: fuck you

lili: no thanks ;))))))))))))


lel i love lili which btw her name is pronounced li-lee 

yah longer update next time :))

i was listening to Let Me Know while writing this and le feels okay the FEELS okay i'll stop

Coffee | YoongiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora