Chapter 2 Part 1

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A week later the first day of school started, Lilith and I walked Kali to her class, she's the one is terrified the most out of all of us. She kept shaking in the room so Lilith and I walked her to her Introduction to Water class. I understand why Kali's so scared but she shouldn't let other people know so much. You never show people your weaknesses it's more things that they can use against you.

"Kali, calm down, it's just one class and we're with you for the rest of your day, you can get through this," Lilith someone how manages to say it soothingly while I can see she's getting as aggravated as I am.

"Kali, you are going to calm down right now," I state firmly, hoping that would get her attention. Kali doesn't pay me any mind and continues to tremble, maybe being assertive won't work with her.

Getting on eye level with her I say in a soft voice, "Kali, you can't rely on us for everything. You have to do this one thing on your own, maybe you're not used to that but it's time to take responsibility for your own life other people can't do it for you,". She slowly starts shaking less, and she finally raises her eyes to meet mine and Lilith's.

"It's just that I've always had my mom and no one else and she was my best friend, I didn't need anyone else, I didn't want anyone else. And then I met you guys and you guys are great and like I said I've always been weird with Water and typically people don't want to hang around me long. And this week just hanging in the dorm has been great but what if I'm the only one in class and I'm the weird girl again and you guys leave me," She was sobbing by the end of her speech. I couldn't believe she thought that way, after all, we are her sisters and no matter if we just met, blood means something and I won't ever forget we share the same father and that I'm supposed to take care of my siblings. Before I can say anything else Lilith takes Kali and hugs her and lets Kali cry on her shoulder, I could see Lilith's shirt start to be stained with tears.

"Kali how could we ever leave you were stuck with you, we share a dorm. I know myself if I didn't like a person I wouldn't bother to deal with them at all, and Isra and her don't take shit attitude if she didn't like you she wouldn't talk to you either, so just stop worrying know I'll see you next period with Isra. Go in there and be the best Water whatever you are you can be,". Somehow that speech worked, Kali began to straighten up and stop crying and walks into the classroom, I wondered if anyone saw us.

"You know you're really good at calming her down, what I said barely made a difference,"

"I grew up with two younger siblings and an absent mother, I had to learn how to be a mom and sometimes apart of that job is soothing the child when they're nervous," Lilith got a kind of longing look in her eyes, she must miss her younger siblings a lot. It's odd to see someone care for someone else other than themselves, you don't see a lot of the in the system. The first rule is to look out for number one, in other words, yourself. Maybe just maybe we'll get to that level of love for each other. Some kind of loud bringing rang, a bell? Lilith and I went our separate way for our classes.

Walking into the classroom, there weren't many kids who were actually in the class, which was really confusing because they were so many kids at the Headmistress speech. Before I could think of it anymore, the Headmistress came in the classroom, followed by a meek looking older lady with a ferocious amount of hair pouring out of her head. I slid into a chair in the middle of the class trying not to draw attention to myself.

"Everyone in this room is a fire user, and from past experience even though fire users are the smallest group in Carden they usually cause the most trouble, so personally I will be keeping a close eye on all of you guys," Just like at her speech in the front of the university, she demands attention and thrives on it with one last look at the class she bellows her coat and sweeps out the room.

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