Chapter 2 Part 3

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"No I don't think he was but let's get our minds off of that and go off campus" I left Lilith to go get Kali in the dorm, I wordlessly motion for her to follow me. We meet Lilith back outside and I drag her outside of school boundaries. It's been a long day for both of us, we just need to get out of this school for a while.

"Hey want some frozen yogurt, that should get us out of our heads" Kali looked eagerly and Lilith still looked like she wasn't here all the way mentally. Somehow we end up in front of a frozen yogurt shop, I guess we're just lucky. After each of us get our yogurt and pay for it we sit outside just eating our yogurt in silence.

Kali was the first one to break, "So what happened to you guys, you're never quiet like this"

"I went to be the whore Isra said I was, I looked down ashamed of myself but I could feel her glaring, and I went back to Drew's dorm to have sex with him and you know how I feel lust like Isra and I get a high off of it, but I didn't get that high it was like Drew wasn't lustful I didn't feel anything from him so I wanted him to stop but he didn't and that's when you came in and saved the day,"

"He was clearly flirting with you when we were lost, did you feel lust then?" Kali directs her question to Lilith.

"I don't know maybe, to many people were around to exactly pinpoint where the lust came from" Lilith had the lost look in her eyes a kind of helpless look. That's weird I've never experienced that before I'm always able to tell who the anger come from, I voice this opinion.

Lilith laughs a little before saying what she has to say,"Lust is different, everyone is constantly feeling it. Lust doesn't have to be sexual even though that's what it's commonly associated with sexual feelings. But it can be toward anything like money or simply just wanting a dog, Lust is simply just wanting something really badly. I never thought of the true definition of lust and how it's an emotion of want, I've always thought of it as sexual. That must be pretty bad to feel that all the time. That means we aren't all the same, we have some difference and I don't think I will be able to ever understand that.

We stood in front of Carden not quite not ready to go in yet. It's like Carden is a whole other world which I guess in itself it is. All these information being shoved at us in a day. You're not human, your parent is a Greek god but of course not we won't tell you which one. I shake my head in disgust at the thoughts of my father.

"Well Well Well what do we have here ? We all turn around to see the headmistress standing behind us with an glint of anger in her eyes. We're you given permission to go off campus on a school day ?" She asked the question like she already knew the answer, I was confused to why she asked it. Kali and Lilith just looked at me to answer and I just started back at the headmaster.

"Well who's idea was this to go off campus ?"

"It was mine I didn't know you needed permission to go off campus I thought it would be fine" I said to the headmistress Blake.

"Well then I need you Isra to follow me to my office so we can discuss this in detail" she walked in front of us, I turned back to Kali and Lilith and gave them a small smile assuring them that it would be okay.

I catch up go Blake hearing her say,"Of course it would be a fire starter and no less a daughter of his"

"Excuse me who's daughter?"

"I know you heard my speech I believe it is your journey to discovering on your own who your parent is, self discovery is key in this world, at the end of this year you are forced to make a very important decision that will decide the rest of your future" She had a haughty tone to her voice, like she knows everything. Her attitude is starting to annoying me, I hate cocky people.

"Why are we forced to make a decision that affects us for the rest of our life at 16?"

"You sound just like your brother at his age"

"I don't care who I sound like I haven't even met the man!"

"Except you have, your Magical Theory teacher, Christopher he's your brother and a bit of a demon when he came here himself." She said demon like a private little joke to herself.

"That can't be he's so calm and nice in class likee he's been that way his whole life"

"That's because at Carden we tame wild dogs" She just insuitated that I was a wild dog. Before I knew it I was sitting in a chair in her office thinking about how Christopher was my brother and how he knows who our father is, Once I know who he is I can learn more about why me and my sisters are affected by different emotions so much.

"You sneaking off campus won't be taken lightly Isra, this is a serious offence"

"No one told us that we couldn't go off campus and no one exactly stopped us when we walked off it, how were we supposed to know that we weren't supposed to leave"

"That's because it's in the student handbook that you are required to read on attending Carden, now your punishment is 3 weeks detention with Professor Christopher" Little did she show that wasn't an actual punishment to me I need ask Christopher questions anyway.

"If that's what you deem fits the punishment" I walk out her office and back to my dorm.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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