Madox (Taken)

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Name: Madox

Age: 23

Sexuality: Bi

Personality: Madox is entirely selfish and egotistical.   He only does things to help himself and doesn't care for anyone who is in trouble or pain.  If someone is in his way, no matter for what reason, he'll be annoyed or even angry.   He's very blunt, almost harsh with his words.  Madox is convinced that everyone else's job is meaningless compared to his own.   

Apperance: Madox is albino, so he's extremely pale and basically only has color in his lips.  He's tall, standing at 6'3 and is muscular with strong facial features.  His hair his cut short and he is always perfectly groomed.  Madox  is always working, so he's always dressed nicely in a suit and tie.

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