Summer Break!

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{Gerard's POV}

"And this concludes our last lesson of the year kids. Now get out of here." My teacher smiled as everyone left the classroom quickly. The last bell rang and everyone was cheering. All the old seniors are gone and new ones are coming in September. "DENISE!" I yelled over the crowd as I spotted her by the gate. She turned to me and smiled. "Hello." She smiled as she hugged me and grabbed my hand. "Can we walk home today? I'm in the mood." She asked and I nodded.

We started walking and when we were like a block away from school we started talking. "Denise, my beautiful woman. It still surprises me that I can call you mine." I smiled and looked at her. She shyly moved her head the other way. I stopped walking and turned her head towards me. "Don't hide your beauty." I said getting lost in her hazel eyes. "It's funny how we were just strangers a while ago and turned to bestfriends and now we're dating." She smiled. We wandered into eachother's eyes until I started getting towards her face. I could tell she got on her toes and our lips collided. We broke the kiss and continued walking happily.

Denise's POV

It's finally summer! And we're going to be seniors! That thought kind of scared me a bit. Like me being a shy senior. Eh whatever. Now since my mom only left last week, we get the whole house to ourselves for a month. "WE'RE HOME!" I yelled into the house. I looked around and spotted a Mountain Dew. I dropped my bag and started taking a step towards it. "Mountain Dew." I said as I started running towards it. See I have this addiction to Mountain Dew and the boys never let me drink any but I would hide them in my room so they don't know anything. "YAY!!!!" I said opening the bottle and taking a sip into the beverage. I closed the top and looked at Gerard and smile toothy. I run skipped to my room if that was possible. "You're finally mine." I said drinking more into the precious liquid. I laid on my couch as Steve Wilkos came on the tv. I stayed like that until the show ended. "I want a cupcake." I said to myself. I went into Ray's room to find him asleep. I searched for his mini fridge he keeps in his room. "Found you." I whispered. I tip toed over to the fridge and opened it. "Yes." I said. I grabbed the dessert and turned around to exit the room. I was just about to open the door until I heard a voice. "CUPCAKE STEALER!" Ray yelled which scared me shitless. "Jesus fucking Christ." I said opening the door and running downstairs. At this point I forgot which door leads to which. I was on the 3rd floor and opened the 1st door. "Fancy seeing you here." Mikey said . "A pleasure to be here Mr. Way. Now can you do me a favor and hide me somewhere before Ray finds me and the cupcake?" I pleaded. He sighed and showed me to a little closet that I didn't know existed. "I'll knock on the door to tell you he's gone." He said and closed the door. "Well this is going to be a while cupcake. Let me just lick your purple frosting yeah?" I said seducivly (god I don't know how to spell anymore x) ) And I bit it. 5 minutes later there was a knocking. I couldn't open the door with my fingers since they were smothered with frosting. So I used my head to open the door. I started banging on the wood and on the 3rd bang it opened. "Well thank you my fine sir. I will reward you later on this week." I said with a smile and left the room. I knew Mikey wanted this comic book about Batman and he doesn't have the money so that's why I'm buying it as a reward. I went to the first floor and started liking my fingers. "That was some good Mountain Dew and cupcake." I said as I laid on one of the couches. "Gerard. You didn't catch her didn't you." Frank said. Gerard gave out a nervous laugh. "Well, i'll be dozing off, see you at 12 in the morning." I said before making myself comfortable and fell asleep.

~Hours Later~

4:39 A.M

"GOODMORNING!!!" I yelled and curled up in the couch since it was totally black. "Fuck." I jumped from one couch to the other and turned on the lights. I looked around my surroundings and found a sleeping Gerard. "Sleeping Sassy Diva." I snickered. I grabbed a marker and wrote 'SASSY' on his forehead and 'DIVA' on his chin. And did marker eyeliner. "Well, I'll just start watching Soul Eater until someone wakes up." I planned. I turned on Netflix and started watching my anime.

~5 Hours Later~

"Morning Denise." Frank said but I paid no attention since I had finish watching about 15 amines and close to finishing another anime.' "Al!" Ed yelled into the empty warehouse. "Damn where is he." ' I was watching Full Metal Alchemist. Then it was over. The tv shut off and I just sat there in front of it with no attention of moving at all. "Denise?" Frank said poking me. He continued poking me until he ran off yelling to the guys saying that I'm broken and stuff. "Denise?" The guys poked. I continued to stare at the black screen. "Holy shit she watch 16 amines!" Ray and Mikey yelled. "Didnt she wake up like at 4 in the morning?" Frank asked. "In 5 hours, she watched 16 animes." Gerard said in defeat for some reason. "Hah she beat your 13 record in 7 hours."Mikey laughed. I fell to my side and just laid there. "I have no life." I said. I'm just another lifeless girl y'know.


Hola! :3

Here's another chapter! I actually like this chapter c: hopefully you guys too like it. Mkay so ill be back in like another 8 days or so xD Kay bai


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