Friends or More Than Friends P:2

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Denise's POV

It was Mikey's turn in the game.








D~ Hah Truth wins!

G~ No fair! *pouty face*

"Okay Mikey, Truth or Dare?" Gerard said mischievously. "Uhh Truth?" He said as he started fiddling with his fingers. "Do you like Veronica?" Gerard asked. Mikey looks like someone threw up blood on him (I know it sounds weird but bare with me yeah? ) . "I uh I *sighs* Yes I do." He said looking down to try and avoid eye contact from anyone. I put two thumbs up for Veronica as she blushes a crimson red. He drank his shot and got a refill. "Veronica's turn!" Allyssa said.

G~ Dare

R~ Dare

A~ Dare

F~ Dare

I~ Dare

M~ Jesus Christ Truth

D~ Dare :D

"Veronica, Truth or Dare?" I asked her.

D~ Don't get in the way, I have a plan. To: G, R, A, F, I, M.

"Um dare." She said with confidence. "Okie Dokie but there's not backing out on this dare." I said with a smirk as her eyes grew wide. "I dare you, to give Mikey here, a lap dance." Everyone rooted except for the two. "Ugh fine." She sighed.

Veronica's POV

So I had to give Mikey a lap dance. This shouldn't be hard at all right? It's like grinding on a seat. If that's possible at least. (RHYME RAPPER ALERT! Haha T-T ) I climbed onto Mikey's lap. Before I began I whispered "I'm so sorry." "Don't be." He whispered back and that's when I began the lap dance. After about 1 minute, I stopped and felt Mikey's friend down there poking me. I knew what was going on down there because thats when he asked me to be his girlfriend. "Of course." I said as I smiled. The girls said their awes and everyone clapped and I drank down the alcohol. I'm not gonna lie, I actually did like it. ( If this sounds horny a little, note I'm listening to Destroya ;D )

{Gerard's POV}

"The jokes are up Harley Quinn, now it's your turn in this game." Ray said as everyone laughed. "Mkay." She said not giving a care.








G~ Dare it is.

"Denise, Truth or Dare?" "Dare." She said with a big smile. " I dare you to um." Frank paused for a moment. "I dare you to dress up as a slut and go walking down 2 blocks and come back." He laughed. She sighed. "Fine. But if I get raped." She said but was cut off by Frank. "I'll take the blame for it." And smiled.

Denise's POV

I got up and went to my mom's room. She has a boyfriend and usually when he comes over, it's just sex,sex,sex,and sex. So I went to look for her "special clothes". I finally found them. It was a slick black dress that ended a couple of inches below my butt. The chest part of it was so opened, you can practically almost see my breasts. If they wanted me to act like a slut, a slut I will become. I found one of her black heels and tossed them on her bed. I curled my hair and left them down. I looked for my mom's cigarettes and took out one and her lighter. I was gonna need it just to take out all the stress from having to go out at 11 in the night. I started putting on my make up. I put on a ton of mascara, eye shadow, and eyeliner. I looked at myself one last time. I was disgusted but a dare is a dare. I grabbed a long coat that ended up to my knees and walked out of her room. Her heels were too much for me to handle, so I took them off at the top of the stairs and I got downstairs, all the boys mouth dropped open, even the girls. "What?" I said and sighed. I went by the door and put on the heels again. "See you in 15 minutes." I said and sighed.


Yay another chapter :') well yeah c: probably might update tonight on what goes on when Denise is outside and stuff y'know :3


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