Magic Phone

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Henry:Hey you guys, wanna play flappy bird with me?

Emma:Can't I'm trying to find Hook in the Underworld!😿*cries*

Regina:WTF Emma can't you just use the sad emoji.

Arthur:What's an emoji?


Emma-Because I'm not just sad, I'm crying, and I'm going to die alone with only imaginary cats to comfort me!😿😿😿

Charming:Where did Arthur even get a phone? He's in a jail cell and he didn't have a phone in Camelot.

Arthur:I don't know. It just appeared from a cloud of green smoke. Also I feel sorry for the imaginary cats!


Arthur: I'll have to think that witch in person when I get out. Speaking of Zelena, where is she anyways?

Regina:Wait.....I banished Zelena to Oz, how could she possibly have sent you a phone!?!

Snow:That witch is just evil!

Zelena:Not evil dear, wicked!!!😏

Regina:Where did you even get a phone!?!

Snow:Never mind that, how the hell does Arthur know how to text!?!

Charming:How does he even have our contact information???

Snow:Arthur!?! If you're still here stop throwing shade at Emma, no one here likes you!

Arthur:The phone came with instructions and contact information!!!

Zelena:Wicked Always Wins!!!😉

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