Chicken Chase

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Captain Rum has started a group chat.

CaptainRum:Swan, why is your dad chasing me?


WhereIsMySword: What?

IKilledKilly: Why are you chasing KILLY?

WhereIsMySword: We took my sword.

IKilledKilly: Killian!?

CaptainRum: I don't have it Swan, Dave just wants me rum!

I'veGotFlyingMonkeys: I'm coming for you dearies!

TheDarkBetrayer:That's my line!

I'veGotFlyingMonkeys:But I deserve!

TheDarkBetrayer:No I do!

I'veGotFlyingMonkeys:U wanna go!? Let's go!


I'veGotFlyingMonkeys:Go hide in your shop u ugly coward!

TheDarkBetrayer:I'm here!



TheDarkBetrayer:You're here too!

I'veGotFlyingMonkeys:Oh really?


ILoveFireballs:What now Gold!?

TheDarkBetrayer:She's doing the chicken dance!


I'veGotFlyingMonkeys:Cuz he's a chicken!

ILoveFireballs:Why did I even create this crazy town!?

ILoveFireballs has ended the chat.

Okay so sorry it's been so long but I've finally put up another chapter. I know it's short but school over for me now so I'll try to update more over the summer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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