Great way to start the day

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Regina and Robin are fast asleep at Regina's house. Henry is with Emma and Roland is with the Merry Men, so their is no one to disturb them on this peaceful Valentines Day.


Robin awoke to Regina snuggling deeper into his side. Man she is beautiful. He thought to himself as he pulled her closer and planted a soft kiss on the top of her head. 

"Happy Valentines Day!" Regina whispered as she woke. 

"Happy Valentines love" Robin responded with a smile. "Are you hungry? I could make some breakfast and we can eat it here in bed."

"I would love that." Regina responded as she rolled over to get a little more sleep before Robin came back with food.


Robin came back up to the bed room with his hands full of a tray carrying pancakes, bacon, coffee and orange juice. He sat down handing Regina her coffee and plate. "Thank you darling" Regina told him giving him a quick peck on the lips and starting on her food.

"Your welcome." Robin responded taking a sip of his orange juice. 


"Thank you so much for breakfast Robin" Regina said happily.

"Is that all I get for making you breakfast in bed?" Robin responded with a cheeky smile.

"Robin!" Regina said scolding him, but he didn't care. 

He pulled her into a passionate kiss. After a moment she lightened up and kissed him back. He pulled her even closer to him, so close that there was no space between their chests. After a good minute or two Regina broke the kiss saying , "Well, this has been a great way to start the day."

"Yes is has" he replied. "Regina I have to ask you something."

"Okay, shoot!" Regina replied looking kind of confused. 

"Regina Mills, will go out with me on this Valentines Day?" Robin asked entwining their fingers.

"I would love to go on a date with you Robin" Regina answered squeezing his hand tightly. 


So, where do you guys think they should go in their date? I hope you liked it. Please leave reviews. 

Lot of Love ( =

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