A Nice Evening

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I hope you guys like this last chapter. Please let me know how you like it.


Once Regina and Robin got home they had to figure out what movie to watch. "How about the Marley and Me?" Robin suggested.

"Don't get me wrong I love that movie, but it is to sad for a valentines day movie." Regina responded "What about the Titanic?" 

"Yes, I love that movie." Robin answered plopping down on the couch as Regina put the movie in.

When Regina was done putting the movie in the DVD player she sat down next to Robin and snuggled into his side. Robin responded to this movement by putting his arm around her, pulling her closer.


After the movie Regina got up to start making lasagna for dinner. "Robin could you take the movie out please?" She asked him.

"Sure," he responded taking the movie out of the player and putting it into the movie case. 


"Thank you for an amazing dinner love" Robin said as he took his last bit of lasagna. 

"No problem." Regina replied. "I have had a fun day Robin. We should do this more often"

"We should" He said.

Robin stood up from the table and took his and Regina's plates to the sink. "What do you want to do now" Robin asked as he turned back towards the table, but to his surprise Regina was gone. "Regina dear, where did you do?" Robin shouted through the house.

"Come find me!" Regina laughed back.

"Oh, I will your majesty." Robin announced with a smirk. 

As Robin waked up stairs he know exactly were he was heading. He opened the door to there room and . . . 


"Good morning Robin."


I hope you liked it. Whatever happened after Robin opened to door is up to your interpretation. If you have any ideas for a story you want to hear please let me know.

Lot of Love ( =

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