You're So Cute When You Ramble

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Chapter 16:

You're So Cute When You Ramble

After our snow ball fight, which ended up with Emily and Scarlett scowling at us while their clothes were soaked from head to toe, we watched one of Emily's favorite movies--Marley and Me.

I will never understand why it's her favorite movie. It's one of the saddest movie's I've ever watched. I must've watched it at least fifteen times because it's one of the only movies Emily will watch without getting bored and turning it off half way through.

Just like every time I watched it, I cried throughout the whole entire last half.

Even though he'll never admit it, I saw Kyle slip a few tears too. 

 After the movie, I was exhausted from all of the crying, so I told them that I was going to head home. 

"You can't leave now! We're going to a huge party at this girl named Amanda's house later tonight." Scarlett whined, grabbing my arm. 

"It's a weekday, and I have a huge exam tomorrow morning." I stated.

"Goody two shoes" Emily coughed.

"Am not." I exclaimed, waving my hands in frustration.

" kinda are." Kyle mumbles under his breath. 

"I mean it's not a bad thing, but you just need to step out of your bubble and live a little." Emily suggested.

"Do you think I'm a 'goody two shoes'?" I ask Scarlett.

"Uh...." Scarlett drawled out, avoiding eye contact.

I stare at them for a few more seconds waiting for any of them to say anything.

 After nobody says anything, I grab my coat and purse and head towards the door.

"We didn't mean to hurt your feelings, we're just telling you the truth." Emily says bluntly.

"Whatever, I've got to go home." I say and open the door.

I wasn't mad, I was just surprised that that's how they thought of me-as a goody two shoes who follows all of the rules. I wasn't a goody two shoes. I broke the rules sometimes, rarely, but I have.

I was able to clear my mind and think more clearly as I drove home. Then an idea popped into my head.

I pulled into my driveway and got out of my car. 

"Hello, is anyone home?" I asked.

No answer. 


I run up the stairs and open my bedroom door. At this point I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Adrian found a way in here. He wasn't

I grab my phone from my pocket and dial ten digits into my phone.

I'm about to hang up after ten seconds of it ringing, but at the last second somebody answers.

"Hello? Who is this?" A deep voice asks.

"Uh hi, is this Mason?" I ask stupidly.

I here laughter from the other side of the line and two boys bickering.

"Give me my phone!" I hear somebody yell from the background.

"Does your name happen to be Ashley?" The same voice who picked up the phone asks.

"Yeah why?" I ask, confused.

"I'm serious. Give it back." I hear the boy from the background say again.

The sound becomes muffled, but I can ruffly hear two boys arguing in the background. One yelling, and one laughing. 

"Hello?" An out of breath voice says.

"Mason?" I ask hopefully.


"I was just making sure that it was you and not some other dude." I grin.

"How do you know that it's not just another dude who has the same name as me?" He questions. I can tell that he's trying to stop himself from laughing and act seriously.

"Yep, with the same voice too. That sounds so possible." I say sarcastically.

"What if I'm not the real Mason and am his twin." He challenges.

"And what's this so called twin's name?" I question.


The line goes silent for a minute.




"That's the twin's-I mean my  name."

"I'm sure." I say, chuckling.

"Ok you caught me, I don't have twin brother named Alfredo."

"Really? You really had me believing you." I say sarcastically.

It becomes silent and we both start laughing for no reason at all.

"Hey so I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to a party tonight." I ask him.

"Where's it at?"

"It's at this girl named Amanda's house I think she's a junior. Do you know who she is?" 

"Yeah, my sister is pretty good friends with her."

"Ok great. So are you in?"

"Yeah of course. Do you want me to pick you up?" He asks kindly.

"If it's not a bother to you, then that would be great because I don't really know where she lives, but if it's out of your way then I can just get directions and drive-"

"Your so cute when you ramble. And I can pick you up, it's no big deal. I'll be at your house by around 10ish." 

Luckily he can't see me through the phone because my face is as red as a tomato.

"Thanks. I guess I'll see you later-r." I stammer.

"Well then you guessed right." He chuckles. I could imagine a smile spread across his face right now.

He hangs up and I stand their with a stupid grin still set on my face.


-first of all, did anybody notice something that Mason said that sounds very similar to what Adrian has said before? (hint: the chp. title) comment what you think it is and the first one who guesses it will get this chapter dedicated to them!😏

hey guys! i had a lot of people ask for an update so here you go😉 and for you Ashdrian fans, don't worry Adrian is coming in the next chapter so get ready!! hope you guys liked this chapter and thank you guys for almost 1000 VOTES!! 

oh and if anybody could make a trailer for tbbnd that would be sooo awesome! either comment or pm me if you're interested (I'll dedicate the next chapter to you and shout you out💓) 

Also remember to VOTE and COMMENT!👍 


kayla :)

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