chapter I

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"C'mon kiddo, time for bed..." Said Sans in his calming voice. he cradled frisk by the back, and slowly walked in his shuffling slippers to her room, where she laid herself down and was pecked on the forehead by Sans. "Goodnight kiddo." he said. She smiled at him, and turned her head with a yawn alongside it.

"ugh, jeez." Sans now laid back on the couch, having bags underneath his sockets. just then, papyrus entered the room with Sans, and noticed him in his slumped position.

"sans? why on earth are you lying in such an uncomfortable position?" Sans scoffed a bit and chuckled at papyrus. "its nothing papyrus. just, go make your spaghetti already. I'm kinda hungry after all." papyrus shook his head and slowly approached sans with a gleaming smile. "Sans, i know you better after after all. you have until the count of three before I, the great papyrus, will do my amazing super fabulous special attack! that you taught me of course..." Sans look around a bit, before appearing perplexed at his statement. "What special attack did i each yo-" "Too late!" in a flash, papyrus engulfed Sans in his arms, and held on Tightly. Sans, with flustered cheeks, smiled. "yeah... i guess i did teach you that after all."

. . .

"Frisk, please wake dear, the suns rising already, and we mustn't waste such a beautiful day." Toriel prodded Frisk until she arose from her bed, and looked to the morning sun that stood in her window. the mouth of the cave now gleamed with hope to the brim, as dew drops fell from the stalactites above their heads. frisk rubbed her eyes, and proceeded to the dining area. where she too, loom out the window. the sight of all her friends enjoying themselves gave her heart a healthy reminder that she had friends again, and that they would do anything to protect her.

"Frisk!" they all shouted. Frisk waved to Undyne , who was chatting with a rather flustered Alphys. Papyrus sat at the edge of the cave, legs dangling. Asgore picked the golden flowers at the edge of the cavern. And Sans chatted with papyrus as well. Toriel then exited the house and stood next to Frisk.

"Beautiful scene isn't it?" she asked Frisk. "everyone accepted their fate, and loved the outcome. they all cherish one another, and love heir company. why, it almost looks as if this was indeed the way things needed to be." frisk smiled to Toriel, and made her way to Alphys and Undyne, who chatted to their hearts content. Alphys had said something she thought would kill the mood however, and began to panic. "O-oh my g-gosh..." she stated under her breath. but to her surprise, Undyne busted into laughter. Alphys's fluster face slowly grew into a smile, as she realized she made her laugh rather than kill the mood. Mettaton abruptly ended the mood however, and came into the fray with his voice. "The audience begs for romance! kiss already" Alphys looked away from Undyne, and began to scoot away from the scene, but Undyne looked into her eyes with passion. "Oh what the hell." she grabbed Alphys by the shoulders and kissed her square on the lips. Alphys looked ecstatic, yet petrified. her face grew to a scarlet red , and fell over on her side, frozen with love. "Yes!" screamed Mettaton. "the ratings are through the roof!" Mettaton spun in circles, arms flailing in glee. Undyne laughed at the entire scene, as Alphys laid on the ground.

   Frisk looked away and noticed the sun rising on the horizon. Everyone's commotion stopped for a split second, just to marvel at the rising sun, who's warmth bathed the entirety of the land. Sans turned his back the the sun, and looked to Frisk.

"Hey kiddo, glad to see you're awake." He patted Frisk in the back, and rustled her hair. She smiled to him, and he too, smiled back.

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