Chapter 9

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First of all I need to thank puppypower343 for the gorgeous banner!! Twin you are the best!!

Isn't it amazing guys!!?

Make sure you check out her books, they are amazing! I can promise that you will not be dissapointed!

Dia's P.O.V

I called a cab and went straight to Adam's office!

Yes, I got the job!!

I was so happy that I didn't even realise we had reached the office and the driver was telling me we were there. I quickly gave him the money and walked in.

It was freezing outside, so I savoured the first feeling of warmth that engulfed me when I walked in. As I walked in, I noticed everyone was staring at me. Seems like they haven't forgotten the last time I was here.

Dia's P.O.V

I got to Adam's office and walked straight up to the receptionist.

"Good morning madam! How may I help you?" She said in a high voice. I metally cringed at it. I know she was being nice, but I was not in the mood today.

"I'm here to see Adam Zafar." I said as politely as possible. I could see it didn't come across as polite as I thought I did, because she lightly rolled her eyes.

"Oh ok, let me just call him, may I have your name." She asked, going back to her happy-go-lucky avatar.

"Dia Malik. Could you ask him to bring down my jewellery, he will know what I mean." She nodded and picked up the phone.

"Hello sir, Dia Malik is here to see you, she asked if you could bring the jewellery down." She asked seductively. Um okay?
After a small conversation, she put down the phone.

"Sorry, Mr Zafar is not here." She said.

Hold up, she just spoke to him in front of me.

"But you were just speaking to him!" I said, much louder then I intended.

"No I wasn't!" She retaliated.

"Uh I think your bun is tied way to tight! You just spoke to him!" This time I was slightly louder and everyone looked at me.

"I request you to leave the premises as sir is not here and you are creating a ruckus." She said, I could tell she was trying very hard to hold herself together.

"Sorry, but your request has been declined. Just tell me which room his office is in." But she stood silently.

"I'm not some random nutcase! My wedding is tomorrow and he was supposed to collect my jewellery."

"What? What are looking at, say something?!" I said when I realised she was just looking at me and saying nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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