Forced Out of Hiding

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     Aphmau POV

     "You don't need to do this! We can help you find your daughter if we work together! There is no need for war!" I shouted. I can't believe Zane was able to convince the Lord of Scaleswind to attack because he believed we took his daughter. If only we were able to get Nicole back we could prevent this war. I take one last look out at the huge army and begin the open the gates. No use delaying the inevitable.

     Just before I can open the gates a certain redhead jumps out of the forest besides the army. "Nicole?!" I shout. The Lord of Scaleswind (did he have a name? If he did I forgot it...) quickly turns to see his daughter. He runs over to her only to be knocked over when she punched him in the eye. "Father, how could you! Aphmau is the nicest person ever! She would never kidnap anyone! She helped me!" Nicole shouted. "I know daughter. I was just too blinded by worry for you to see it," he turns to you. "I apologize Lord Aphmau. Can we put this behind us and become allies before and unnecessary lives are lost?" I smile and nod, "Of course."

   "No! You're supposed to fight! Phoenix Drop is supposed to fall! You cannot be allies, you are enemies!" Zane suddenly shouts. The lord of Scaleswind turns to him, "You lied, Zane. You lied to spark a war so that you could take down this wonderful village without getting your hands dirty." I glare and Zane, "Your plan has failed, Zane. Go home and leave us in peace." His eyes (or should it be eye... Oh well I'm going with it) filled with fury at the prospect of giving up. "Never!" He shouts. "I didn't wantt O have to get my hands dirty, but I will if I have to!" He raises his hands and makes a few gestures, summoning a small army of Shadow Knights. Everyone from Phoenix Drop and Scaleswind took a few steps back to get away from them. "The Shadow Lord has shared his power with me! You can't defeat me even with an army! I AM UNSTOPPABLE!" Zane shouted. I stared at him for a few seconds before doing what was probably the worst possible thing I could have done.

I started laughing.

     I tried to cover it up, but once I started I couldn't stop and I was almost falling over with how ,I have I was laughing. Everybody else was staring at me as if I lost my mind, so I started to explain my sudden case of the giggles. "You honestly think a few Shadow Knights scare me. Oh, Zane, you made one big mistake in this whole conflict. You never looked into my past. If you had you would have known even the Shadow Lord himself could not destroy me." A few more giggles leaked out of me after I finished.

    If possible this made Zane even more mad. "ATTACK!" He shouted. One of his mages quickly destroyed the gate with a blast of power and the Shadow Knights started to attack. My eyes quickly hardened and I stopped laughing. "That was a mistake," I state. I hold out my hand and a few (am I the only one who keeps giggling at the unintentional pun when I say few? Probably. I apologize for my insanity. Back to the story!) seconds later a large hammer flies into my hand. This makes everyone pause for a few seconds. If they think this is weird wait until they see what happens next...

     I hold the hand holding the hammer up, pointing to the heavens. Lighting rains down, all striking me. All my allies shout out in fear that it killed me, but it didn't. Quite the opposite in fact. When the Lightning stops I am left standing there in my Asgardian armor, my red cape flapping in the wind (sorry, I just had to XD). The fury in Zane's eyes quickly morphs into fear. He tries to run, but I throw Mjölnir at him and quickly knock him out. That'll leave a bruise for sure. I take advantage of everyone staring at me in shock and pull out my communicator. "Guys? This is Jess. I seem to have run into a slight Shadow Knight problem. I need some help. It's time for The Few to reunite."

I know this is really short, but this is just the first chapter! They'll get longer I promise. I'll probably post again later today, but if I don't oopsie. 


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