Oops another A/N

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Sooo I'm back. I also officially put this story on hold. However, I did just upload the first chapter of Reunion, my new mystreet x SMD book, so you can go check that out. Hopefully I'll actually be able to keep up with that story since I have a lot more ideas about where I want to take it. If I don't, feel free to yell at me. I'll probably end up coming back to this story, which I why it is on hold, not discontinued, but at this point I don't know where I want to go with it, so it will probably be a while. Plus I'm about to start freshman year with three honors and one AP class, plus an online French class, so I'll be busy enough with that and Reunion. Don't give up o t hai story yet though, and neither will I. See you all later, I guess? Or now if you go check out MY OTHER BOOK REUNION. PLS JUST GO READ IT IM DESPERATE E TO SEE IF ITS ACTUALLY ANY GOOD. PLS. I'LL LOVE TOU FOREVER. Okay no more caps. Sorry about that. It's past midnight and I'm tired. I'll just go now. Lol I'm still writing just to see if any of you actually took the time to read this. Comment your favorite fruit if you did. But not banana because allergic to bananas. They're almost as evil as caterpillars. I once got stung by a caterpillar. I was five. I still have the scar. Evil, vile creature. They'll all take over the world one day and who will be the one laughing? Probably not me they'll probably kill me first since I'm the one who outed them as the evil things they are. Butterflies are cool tho. Ok I'll go for real now bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2017 ⏰

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