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You look at the scenery around you. It's hard to see anything without your flashlight. Where is it? You must have lost it somewhere. Oh well. You'll never find it now. In the corner of your eyes you can barely make out a small glimpse of something recognizable, but any time you turn to face it it changes and moves. So you've learned to ignore it. It must be a figment of your imagination.

The breeze is cold, but you ignore it as you try to find the path. How far away from it are you now? You've been walking backwards for hours. Or are you walking forwards, away from the pathway?

Suddenly, you see a light in the distance. A real light. You run towards it, finally, finally catching up to it. As you step your foot onto the pathway you notice something. This is a different path, different stone. This isn't taking you where you once thought you were going. You glance around. Darkness surrounds you, except for this path.

Taking one last look around, you step your other foot onto the path. Taking one step, then another, then another, until you get used to the new material you are walking on and continue on.

You don't know where you're going now. It's so much blurrier now than it was all that time ago, when you were on that other path. The other path was illuminated better, there was a sense of reliability there. Now there is nothing to rely on except luck.

Except you kind of like this path. It may not be the path you though you were going to take, but it has something different to it. A sort of clarity, a reality that the other path didn't have. Strange, isn't it, that this path, so blurry, was so more real than any other path you'd ever been on. And it was nice. Strange, different, a bit sad, but nice.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2016 ⏰

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