chapter 6

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Chose - Tell her to follow her words and kiss me.

Joshua's POV

"Follow your words then, kiss me." She blushes her eyes wide with caution and nervousness.

"Josh, i didn't mean it-" I lean in and turn her face towards my own with one hand and kiss her on the lips. She touches my hand and brings it down slowly while breaking the kiss.

"Josh, this was a one off thing." She says looking into my left eye then right seriously. "I'm sorry but i love someone else." She continues.

"I'm sure you do, but thank you." I say trying to recover from that kiss. She didn't let go straight away, she didn't struggle. It was an actual kiss. But she loves someone else, we aren't meant to be.

We finish up the video for my channel and afterwards she says she doesn't need one for her channel. I insist we make one but she doesn't want anything else but Miranda on there. I give in and ask her if she wants to join my sister and I to dinner.

I wanted her to stay with me for longer. Every time i looked at her i would fall more and more in love with her. But i haven't even known her for a day. She can visit another time. She said no to the invite politely and left after she had some snacks with us.

Colleen's POV

In one day I've met two incredibly genuine and lovely guys but i feel like Harrison and I could go somewhere. He helps a lot with my Miranda character and he seems to enjoy it. Joshua just wants me to express myself and forget about Miranda, but i'm hiding he doesn't know that.

Later that night i regret making the video with Joshua and being myself especially as it was a Q&A. I don't want the world to see it anymore. I lie down on my bed and go to text messages on my phone. Right when i go to press send asking Joshua to not post the video a notification goes up saying I've been tagged in a video, well Miranda's channel i've decided it will be.

I panic and don't know how to respond i don't want myself online. I don't want to be called rude names, looked down upon, called fat i don't want the rest of my life to turn out like highschool.

'Please untag me from your video Joshua sorry to be an annoyance.' I text him. He doesn't reply. I then get another notification about the video of Miranda,

'Your video 'Voice Lessons' has hit 500,000 views congratulations.' I internally scream of excitement but then worried thoughts start bombarding the good ones. I click on the video, it's true my video has over half a million views already. Was this even possible. People had started watching my actual singing videos and immediately i privated all the normal videos with me in them. I change my account name to Miranda Sings instead of Colleen and change my icon from myself singing in highschool to miranda's face. Already my contacts were deleted so no one could access the real me.

Why was i doing this. I was going to so much trouble to hide myself. I go back onto Joshua's text to delete it but he has already answered, 'Okay.'

I have over 1000 comments on my video some are about Joshua's video. Instead of 2000 subscribers he now has 3500, i have 60,000. No way. This is insane, what is happening why are so many people watching my video? I scan through the comments looking to see if any are about me but they are mostly all hate for Miranda. Joshua un-tagged me so not many people have seen the other video. Then i spot a comment,

 'Miranda isn't real a person is faking it. She must be an idiot or something.' That comment has over 200 likes. My stomach sinks and tears well in my eyes. Can i delete the comment? I don't know what's happening i need help. Tears fall onto the screen of my phone, i don't want my horrible past to come back to me.

Should I:

1. Call Harrison for advice?

2. Call YouTube Headquarters for advice?

3. Call Joshua for advice?

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