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I remembered the feeling of falling. The feeling of panic, anger and despair. I remember two years of peaceful life, well as peaceful as the aftermath of a war could be after defeating the Fire Lord. But then it goes blank. I can't remember anything else.

I woke up on the forest floor. Hungry and alone. I called out for my friends and my allies. No one came. No one heard me. I was all alone. The forest was silent apart from my shouts but no one answered. I also felt...different.

My body felt like it weighed to much and the air that I gasped into my lungs when I first awoke felt strange. I wasn't sure why or how.

My first however real panic I discovered was when I tried to water bend after I had found a small river in the clearing of the forest. From there on my life as I knew it had completely changed.

How was this possible?

Why wasn't this working!?

I tried again...nothing.

The water would just not follow me any longer. Panic seazed my chest and my dry throat clenched painfully. Trying to hold back any terror I then tried to use my fire bending.


Next my earth bending.


Oh god!

And I no longer felt any attachments to them like I used! I would have felt calmer if I believed I was in the spirit world but I didn't know how but I knew I was not. Fire, Water, Earth would not listen to me like they used to. I no longer felt them inside me. Like my connection to them had just been cut of.

Breathing heavily I tried to with hold my dread. I stood up and with a few swift moved called on air. A part of me believed that just like the others I would no longer be able to feel it or control it, I tried to hold back terror at that thought.

I took a couple of deep breaths in then directed and called upon the air, expecting it to fall flat like the others. But something different happened. Something very different happened.

There was a roaring in my ears.

The ground shuddered underneath me. 


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