Thirteen Roses

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It wasn't even 11 o'clock yet and Jade had already had enough of the day. No matter what happened it was as though everything that did happened went the worst possible way for her. And now she was headed back to her locker 15 minutes into her biology class to get her biology book and not her theatre literature book.

Walking towards her locker, Jade saw a light pink rose treaded though the handles of the scissors and a small envelope jammed underneath that. Glaring at the offending piece of flora she ripped the envelope off the door, not caring if it got damaged at all, and tore into it. Thinking that some moron and it must have been a moron to mistake her locker for someone else's, who would now be mercilessly mocked for the next week at the very least.

That being said Jade certainly wasn't expecting it to be addressed to her.


I know flowers aren't your thing, and definitely not pink.

But I'm sure you are aware that different colour roses each have different meanings, along with the amount given.

Light pink means admiration.

I stare at you and look at your profile and can't help but admire your beauty. The way you just speak your mind without a care about who it cuts or who takes offence. The way you saunter down the hallways, as though it is your own palace. I watch you as the day passes by; always watching every muscle twitch in your expression, every flicker of your eyes, and listen to every word you say.

And every day I find something new to admire about you.

I'm hoping that you haven't just tossed this card and rose in the trash or cut them all up into tiny little pieces littering the floor around you.

Jade stood there rather dumbly for a while as she re-read the note. Who on earth paid that much attention to her? Well there was Beck. But he's never done anything like this. Carefully pulling the rose out of the scissors she put both in her locker, grabbed the correct text book and headed back to her class. Telling herself to keep an eye open for people watching her more than usual.

The rest of the day carried on like normal, if Jade glancing about like a paranoid nut was considered normal. But no matter how alert Jade was it didn't seem as though anyone was more interested in her, except for Sinjin. Really though he wouldn't have the ability to do something so sweet, besides standing outside staring at her house was more his style anyway.

Shuffling things in and out of her locker, Jade did wonder what to do with the rose. She was half tempted to casually lean against the lockers and go to town on the poor innocent plant life with her scissors, deciding against it for the time being. Jade carefully put it on top of her text books in her bag and headed out to the parking lot.

Saturday saw Jade heading out to meet up with Beck for lunch then just generally hang about. Upon opening the front door however put a small halt of her plans. Nestled in the wire frame of the fly screen was another rose. This one white instead. Reaching around the screen she pulled the rose out. She was slightly baffled at having yet another rose delivered to her and a white one at that. If she recalled correctly white was generally considered for innocence. Something Jade knew she certainly wasn't in a great many respects, whoever was giving her these really knew nothing about her at all.

Wandering back inside her house and up to her room, Jade placed the rose next to the other one in a glass of water on her dresser. Pulling her laptop off her desk she googled the meaning of a white rose.

Innocence. Purity. Or weddings.

Well, Jade could safely say she wasn't getting married anytime soon. That left innocence and purity, neither of which Jade could see applying to her. After all how many people were innocent and pure these days? Hell, everyone was corrupted by the time they hit five these days, never mind her.

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