Twelve Roses

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Sunday morning Jade woke feeling more refreshed than she had in a long time. And more confused. She still couldn't believe that the whole time it had been Tori. It just seemed too out there. Too fantastical.

A short time after breakfast Jade left for a walk, to help clear her head or at least make sense of her thoughts. So Jade began to roam about the streets no destination in mind, just letting her feet take her where they will.

Tori Vega. She was the current golden girl of the school. She is meant to be Jade's rival. She is supposed to annoy and frustrate Jade to death with her sunny optimism. Apparently everything she knew about her friend is wrong.

They had a good time last night. They had talked, really talked, in a way they neither of them had before, at least to one another; it left Jade wondering why she had avoided doing so in the past. For some reason the roses never came up as a topic though. Did Tori steer away from the subject? Did jade herself just never think to bring it up? Or did they either consciously or unconsciously stun away from it?

By the time Jade tuned back into the real world Tori ushering her into the house and onto the couch. When did she even get here? Did she even knock?

Glancing over at Tori, Jade tried to figure out what the other girl was thinking. How was it that Tori could seemingly know Jade's every thought, yet Jade was left floundering around attempting to mash what she previously knew of Tori and what she had gleamed though the notes into the one person?

"Tori?" said girl was lost in her own thoughts; "Tori?" voice that tag bit stronger and louder this time. Tori's head snapped around impossibly fast, eyes immediately locking onto Jade's own.


"Why?" the sound coming out more lost than Jade would like to admit.

A chuckle slipping out of Tori's mouth while one hand rubbed her neck, "Thought that would be obvious by now," seeing the frown that was crossing over Jade's face, Tori immediately dropped the humour. "For all the reasons I told you. For all the reasons I discovered last night," a far-away look and a blissful smile resting of her face for just a moment. "For all the reasons I'm yet to know, and all those I never will."

"What the hell does that even mean?" arms being thrown up in the sir at the riddle-like answer.

With the small shrug, Tori replied, "I can't give you an answer. Not really. I just love you. That's all I can tell you with absolute certainty." She knew Tori loved her. She had told her many times however indirectly though all the notes and flowers, but hearing it straight from the horse's mouth; that made it so much more real. As through it was now a physical object, not just an ideal.

"Okay. But why tell me? I mean, you could have just given me the flowers and then stopped. I wouldn't of been any the wiser," Jade would only admit to herself that not knowing would have killed her. "Besides I'm sure it crossed your mind that I could have destroyed you with this."

Tori's eyes widened, a look of fear settling there. "Would you?" it came out more as a squeak than spoken words. Jade realising Tori thought she would do exactly that. Jade's eyes began to roam about the room, intent on using every effort to avoid seeing the expression on Tori's face; like she knew was about to be crushed. It didn't belong there.

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